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Battling Bites: Blocking Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets

As the days grow longer and warmer, summer fun beckons. Swimming, sports, and picnics go hand in hand with warmer weather. But so do bug bites. Mosquitoes in particular can ruin a day outside. And their bites aren’t just itchy and irritating. They can also spread disease. The list of illnesses carried by mosquitoes keeps …

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Aloe Vera May Also Be An All-Natural Insecticide

Aloe Vera May Also Be An All-Natural Insecticide

Image Caption: Aloe rinds, like those pictured here, contain bioactive compounds that could be used to deter insects from feasting on agricultural fields. CREDIT: ACS, Nazmul Huda Aloe vera/Aloe barbadensis has been used for thousands of years to help treat skin ailments, heal wounds, and promote digestive health. The gel may be in high demand …

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Confirmed: First Cases Of Malaria In 20 Years Within America

Confirmed: First Cases Of Malaria In 20 Years Within America

The CDC has released an alert stating that malaria is a medical emergency and that anyone with symptoms should be urgently evaluated following the identification of locally acquired malaria cases in Florida and Texas within the last two months. In Florida, four cases within close geographic proximity have been identified (Sarasota County), and one case …

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Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets

Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets

It’s impossible to hide from a female mosquito — she will hunt down any member of the human species by tracking our CO2 exhalations, body heat, and body odor. But some of us are distinct “mosquito magnets” who get more than our fair share of bites. Blood type, blood sugar level, consuming garlic or bananas, …

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World Mosquito Day: Environment Drives Mosquito-borne Diseases

Avoiding Mosquito Bites

World Mosquito Day is on Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022, which is being recognized by NIAID in this interview:  The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vector-borne illnesses account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases worldwide and are responsible for more than 700,000 deaths annually. Mosquitoes, which some may argue are the most nefarious …

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Monoclonal Antibody Prevents Malaria In American Adults, NIH Trial Shows

Molecules Identified Involved In Severe Malaria

One injection of a candidate monoclonal antibody (mAb) known as L9LS was found to be safe and highly protective in U.S. adults exposed to the malaria parasite, according to results from a National Institutes of Health Phase 1 clinical trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Additional clinical trials evaluating if L9LS can …

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Why Vaccination Against Malaria Quickly Loses Its Protective Effect

Molecules Identified Involved In Severe Malaria

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) studied the human immune response after immunization with the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum. Their goal was to find out against which protein components the T helper cells induced in this way are directed. To the researchers’ surprise, the T helper cells reacted exclusively to the protein sequence …

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Researchers Create New CRISPR Tools To Help Contain Mosquito Disease Transmission

Genetically Modified Insects

Since the onset of the CRISPR genetic editing revolution, scientists have been working to leverage the technology in the development of gene drives that target pathogen-spreading mosquitoes such as Anopheles and Aedes species, which spread malaria, dengue and other life-threatening diseases. Much less genetic engineering has been devoted to Culex genus mosquitoes, which spread devastating …

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Antibodies Block Specific Viruses That Cause Arthritis And Brain Infections

Avoiding Mosquito Bites

Alphaviruses — mosquito-borne viruses that can trigger brain infections and arthritis — may have met their match. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified two antibodies that protect animals from disease caused by alphaviruses. The antibodies worked for every alphavirus tested, meaning they potentially could form the basis of treatments …

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The study of mosquito protein could lead to treatments against life-threatening viruses

Genetically Modified Insects

The mosquito protein AEG12 strongly inhibits the family of viruses that cause yellow fever, dengue, West Nile, and Zika and weakly inhibits coronaviruses, according to scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators. The researchers found that AEG12 works by destabilizing the viral envelope, breaking its protective covering. Although the protein does …

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