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Some viruses make you smell tastier to mosquitoes

Avoiding Mosquito Bites

Zika and dengue fever viruses alter the scent of mice and humans they infect, researchers report in the 30 June issue of Cell. The altered scent attracts mosquitoes, which bite the host, drink their infected blood and then carry the virus to its next victim. Dengue is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas around the …

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Could Catnip Become The New DEET?

Could Catnip Become The New DEET?

New collaborative research from Northwestern University and Lund University may have people heading to their backyard instead of the store at the outset of this year’s mosquito season. Often used as an additive for cat toys and treats due to its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects on cats, catnip has also long been known for its …

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Can Malaria Be Controlled Without Chemicals?

Genetically Modified Insects

As published in Nature Communications scientists suggest that they have found malaria’s Achilles heel, and it is a neurotoxin that is not harmful to any living thing except for Anopheles mosquitoes that spread deadly malaria. Close to half of the world’s population resides in areas vulnerable to malaria, as such approximately 450,000 people die annually …

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Genetically Modified Insects

Genetically Modified Insects

British biotech Oxitec announced to the world its large scale genetically modified mosquito farm in Brazil in 2012 which was instituted with the goal to decrease incidence of dengue fever. An article Antimedia article has brought to the public’s attention that millions of genetically modified mosquitoes have been released in Brazil. 3.5% of the GM …

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Possible End To Pesky Insects

World’s First Gene Edited Babies?

University of California and UC Berkeley have developed an approach to controlling disease carrying and/or crop destroying insects using CRISPR-Cas9 based genome editing to determine insect sex and fertility, as published in Nature Communications. Initially developed in fruit flies the technology presents a take on sterile insect techniques that have been used since the 1930s …

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