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Differences in herpes virus symptoms may relate to variations in strain gene expression

Differences in herpes virus symptoms may relate to variations in strain gene expression

Why do some people with cold sores around their lips experience painful lesions, while others have no symptoms at all, yet still spread the virus? A new study conducted at Penn State finds that these differences could be due to variations in the way certain strains of herpes simplex (HSV-1) — the virus that causes …

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Antibodies Protecting Against HIV-1 Infection

Antibodies Protecting Against HIV-1 Infection

A possible new defense against HIV-1 has been discovered by researchers from Texas Biomedical Research using an antibody called Immunoglobulin M for the first time in animal models to show effectiveness in preventing infection after mucosal AIDS virus exposure, as published in the journal AIDS. Scientists first treated rhesus monkey model with a human made …

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