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Young Adults Are More Afraid Of Aging Than Older Adults

Young Adults Are More Afraid Of Aging Than Older Adults

Aging is an inevitable and sometimes daunting part of life, but according to research, people seem to fear aging less with each year they grow older. The older people get, the less they fear aging. According to a recent double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Forbs Health of 2,000 American adults, young …

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Researchers Explore Origins of Lupus, Find Reason for Condition's Prevalence Among Women

Is There A Link Between Diet And SLE?

For years, researchers and clinicians have known that lupus, an autoimmune condition, occurs in women at a rate nine times higher than in men. Some of the factors that cause the disease’s high prevalence in women have eluded discovery, but in a new study investigating the immune system processes in lupus and the X chromosome, …

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Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia is increasing with an aging population, as such researchers are looking to find approaches that help protect us as we age. Studies suggest that an exclusive group called SuperAgers may hold clues to learning more about aging and age-related health issues. Superagers are people over the age …

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Face Yoga: Exercising Your Face, Yes It’s A Thing

Face Yoga: Exercising Your Face, Yes It’s A Thing

Globally people are looking for approaches to relieve stress and restlessness arising from daily life and uncertainties. While many look to self-care in the form of meditation or moving your body, at least one person is challenging people to try something new-ish: Face Yoga.  You can exercise your body, your chompers, and your mind, why …

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Extending Longevity With Sweat Equity

Kettlebell Workouts

Physical activity can help you to live a longer and healthier life, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests both strength training and cardio are equally important to longevity and that a mix of both aerobic and strength training provides the most benefits to health.  A study recently published in the British Journal of …

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Redefining Limits: Wellness and Exercise with Limited Resources

Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Taking care of your health and wellness should be among your top priorities. After all, studies suggest that folks who are healthy are 20% happier than those who are unhealthy. However, gym memberships and spin classes can be extremely expensive. Even at-home workouts, like those supplied by Peloton and Wattbike, can set you back hundreds, …

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New Molecule Extends Lifespan

New Molecule Extends Lifespan

Researchers from the Buck Institute have identified a new pathway for mitophagy which highlights the gut-brain connection. The new drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms, and boosts mitochondria function in mammalian muscle cells. The compound dubbed MIC is a naturally occurring compound, and the findings have been published in Nature Aging.  Defective mitophagy …

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Breakthrough discovery sheds light on heart and muscle health

Why You Must Know if Your Heart Calcium Score is Zero

The human heart, often described as the body’s engine, is a remarkable organ that tirelessly beats to keep us alive. At the core of this vital organ, intricate processes occur when it contracts, where thick and thin protein-filaments interact within the sarcomere, the fundamental building block of both skeletal and heart muscle cells. Any alterations …

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Great news for runners: Improve performance while easing up on sprints

Great news for runners: Improve performance while easing up on sprints

10-20-30 interval training is an effective way to improve running performance and overall health. A new study from the University of Copenhagen demonstrates that this kind of training is just as effective for improving your running times and overall fitness, even if your sprints are only at 80 percent. The researchers hope that the new …

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Calorie Restriction Builds Strong Muscles And Stimulates Healthy Aging Genes

Calorie Restriction Builds Strong Muscles And Stimulates Healthy Aging Genes

According to recent research, reducing your overall calorie intake may help to rejuvenate your muscles and activate anti-aging biological pathways that are important to optimal health. Decreasing calories without depriving the body of essential vitamins and minerals has been long known to delay the progression of age-related diseases, in animal studies, however, this study published …

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