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Fungus Around Us: Medicinal Mushrooms

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

Medicinal mushrooms (MMs) are believed to have many pharmacological properties, and they have been used to treat various conditions for hundreds of years, mostly in Asia. For over 30 years they have been approved as an addition to standard cancer treatments in Japan and China. Today, medicinal mushrooms are also used to help treat lung …

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Fiber from crustaceans, insects, mushrooms promotes digestion

It doesn't matter much which fiber you choose -- just get more fiber!

Who can forget the stomach-churning moments when “Survivor” contestants forced down crunchy insects, among other unappetizing edibles, for a chance to win $1 million? In daring culinary challenges, the TV show’s contestants exhibited gastronomic bravery as viewers watched in discomfort. Digesting a crunchy critter starts with the audible grinding of its rigid protective covering — …

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Growing Mushrooms Alongside Trees Could Feed Millions And Mitigate Effects Of Climate Change

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

Growing edible mushrooms alongside trees can produce a valuable food source for millions of people while capturing carbon, mitigating the impact of climate change, a new study by University of Stirling scientists has found. The approach not only reduces the need for deforestation to make way for crops, but it also incentivises tree planting. The …

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Mushroom Consumption May Lower Risk Of Depression

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

Mushrooms have been making headlines due to their many health advantages. Not only do they lower one’s risk of cancer and premature death, but new research led by Penn State College of Medicine also reveals that these superfoods may benefit a person’s mental health. Penn State researchers used data on diet and mental health collected …

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Psychedelic Spurs Growth Of Neural Connections Lost In Depression

Magic Mushrooms: Possible Cure for Depression and Anxiety?

The psychedelic drug psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound found in some mushrooms, has been studied as a potential treatment for depression for years. But exactly how it works in the brain and how long beneficial results might last is still unclear. In a new study, Yale researchers show that a single dose of psilocybin given …

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Eating two mushrooms a day could lower cancer risk by 45 percent

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

Eating two mushrooms a day could lower cancer risk by 45 percent, study finds. Experts recommend a pinch of salt Mushrooms contain high levels of antioxidants, and chemical components believed to strengthen the immune system. A study touts their anti-cancer properties Reviewing the study findings, scientists caution against the idea of ‘miracle foods’ and suggest …

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Higher mushroom consumption is associated with a lower risk of cancer

Mushroom Alternative To Bone Broth

Next time you make a salad, you might want to consider adding mushrooms to it. That’s because higher mushroom consumption is associated with a lower risk of cancer, according to a new Penn State study, published on March 16 in Advances in Nutrition. The systematic review and meta-analysis examined 17 cancer studies published from 1966 …

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Mushroom Alternative To Bone Broth

Mushroom Alternative To Bone Broth

Broth is great, especially for when you are not feeling well and have a sore throat. Traditionally bone broth is a main go to, and it has had recent popularity with dieters and biohackers looking to find ways to stay full, repair muscles and improve health. Now enter the mushroom, looking to help those who …

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Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin

Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin

In a landmark vote of 50.6% to 49.4% (89,320 for and 87,341 against, margin of 1,979) of the 176,000 residents of Denver, Colorado passed a ballot, Initiative 301, that decriminalizes psilocybin “magic” mushrooms. This vote will not make them become available in dispensaries, they will still remain on Schedule 1 classification under Federal law, rather …

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Which Mushroom Are Best For The Brain?

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

You’ve probably tried most of the conventional advice to boosting brain power such as sleep, meditation, exercise, and puzzles, but have you heard of mushrooms improving cognitive function, however not all mushrooms are created equal. Reishi mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to signify well being and longevity in Asian cultures, and are …

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