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Researchers Identify a Potential Target for Reversing Poor Metabolic Traits

Exercise Mimicking Drug Helps Mice Shed Weight

Key Takeaways: A common genetic variant promotes reductive stress in the liver, leading to activation of a transcription factor This transcription factor in turn alters gene expression to cause undesirable metabolic traits Targeting this pathway is likely to have numerous beneficial metabolic effects During oxidative stress, excess production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) causes cell …

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Could NAD+ Be The Golden Ticket To Anti-Aging?

Could NAD+ Be The Golden Ticket To Anti-Aging?

From creams to pills and superfoods in the quest to live longer healthier lives we are always searching for innovative ways to fight time, but many of these methods don’t address the root causes of aging. Research suggests that scientists may be close to finding that golden ticket to help us, this golden nucleotide is …

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