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Focus on Your Feet! Take Steps to Protect Foot Health

Shoes Inside The Home

Most of us go through each day without ever thinking about our feet. It’s only when something goes wrong that we tend to realize just how important our feet really are. “Our feet are usually covered with shoes and socks, and they’re easy to forget about, or we might take them for granted,” says Dr. …

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Signs Of Hypothyroidism In An Older Person

Can Hypothyroidism Cause Arterial Hypertension?

Most people that have been diagnosed with a thyroid disease are fairly shocked at how such a tiny gland can have such a significant impact on their overall health and well being. But this little gland is constantly producing hormones throughout your life that influence metabolism, and when a condition causes it to under/over produce …

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Gut Friendly Lentils

Replacing Potatoes And Rice With Lentils

Lentils are an edible seed in the legume family that has been harvested for thousands of years. They are loaded with fibre, folate, protein, and carry benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, enhancing hair growth, and promoting weight loss. Lentils kind of resemble pebble like dried seeds, they are similar to beans, …

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