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Treating the ‘root’ cause of baldness with a dissolvable microneedle patch

How Stress Causes Hair Loss

Although some people say that baldness is the “new sexy,” for those losing their hair, it can be distressing. An array of over-the-counter remedies are available, but most of them don’t focus on the primary causes: oxidative stress and insufficient circulation. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have designed a preliminary microneedle patch containing cerium …

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Pioneering Noninvasive Technique For Neurological Conditions

Synthetic Nanobodies Identified That Neutralize SARS-CoV-2

Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are developing a new, noninvasive brain stimulation technique to treat neurological disorders, including pain, traumatic brain injury (TBI), epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and more. “Given the increasing use of brain stimulation in human brain study and treatment of neurological diseases, this research can make a big impact on …

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Scientists Use Nanotechnology To Detect Bone-Healing Stem Cells

Caught In The Crossfire

Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed a new way of using nanomaterials to identify and enrich skeletal stem cells — a discovery which could eventually lead to new treatments for major bone fractures and the repair of lost or damaged bone. Working together, a team of physicists, chemists, and tissue engineering experts used …

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Engineering Nanomedicine For Noninvasive Cancer Therapy

Nano-Bot Can Probe Inside Human Cells

Glioblastoma multiforme, or glioblastoma, is the most common cancerous brain tumor originating fully in the brain, and never spreading outside of brain tissue. Although a glioblastoma is common, it’s a very aggressive tumor that currently has no known cause and no known cure. A team of researchers led by Shiren Wang, associate professor in the …

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Nanoparticle Trains Immune Cells To Attack Cancer

Pinpointing Risks Of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Cancer researchers are exploring all kinds of new and creative approaches to immunotherapy, treatments that help the immune system fight cancer. The latest involves nanoparticles that trains immune cells to attack cancer. The nanoparticles, which are made mostly of substances found in the human body, slowed the growth of melanoma in mice, the NCI-funded study …

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Experiments In Space May Provide Anti-Aging Results

Experiments In Space May Provide Anti-Aging Results

Currently, humans are pretty much slaves to the endless march of time, like every other living thing on this planet, that is at least for now. For the time being there really isn’t much that we can do to stop it, in the end, we will all eventually fall apart just like everyone and everything …

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Stopping Tooth Decay Without Killing Beneficial Bacteria

Gum Disease Tied to Yet Another Deadly Illness

It seems as if oral bacteria are just waiting to spring into action the very moment that the dental hygienist finishes up working on your teeth. When you eat sugar or other carbohydrates it helps the bacteria to quickly rebuild the tough and sticky biofilm and produce acids that corrode tooth enamel leading to cavities. …

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Gene Disabling Nanoparticles Prevent Obesity In Animal Studies

Nanotubes Gentler On Brain Tissue

Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine have been able to prevent mice from becoming obese even when on a high fat diet after disabling a gene in specific cells, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.  The activity of immune cell macrophages’ ASXL2 gene was blocked because they are key …

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Nanoparticles May One Day Help Humans To Have Night Vision

Possible New Treatment For Dry Eye Disease

Popular characteristics of movie superheroes are merely unrealistic flights of fancy, or are some of them more attainable such as night vision? Scientists have used nanoparticles to confer one of these superpowers into an ordinary mouse, and gave it the ability to see near infrared light, which may one day be able to be applied …

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Colloidal Silver Made With Ghanera Extract Has Anticancer Potential

Nanobody Technology

Ghanera is a small flowering tree in India that bears oblong purplish fruits when ripe that contain single seeds that have been found to have potential in the fight against cancer. Ghanera is a rich source of CPT which is a topoisomerase inhibitor that has potential to treat ovarian and lung cancers. Bharathidasan University research …

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