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Gold Nanoparticles as a Potential Prostate Cancer Therapy


Nanoparticles, bound to compounds found in tea leaves, reduced tumors by 80%, in a lab animal model. Currently, prostate cancer treatment typically consists of injecting hundreds of radioactive ‘seeds’ into the prostate. However, that treatment is not effective when treating an aggressive form of prostate cancer.  University of Missouri (Missouria, USA) scientists have found an …

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Tiny Factories to Produce Medicine Within the Body


MIT (US) researchers report devising nanoscale production units for manufacturing protein-based drugs with the human body. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts, USA) report an advance toward treating disease with minute capsules containing not drugs — but the DNA and other biological machinery for making the drug. Daniel G. Anderson and colleagues have …

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Pomegranate Compounds May Exert Anti-Cancer Benefits

Pomegranate Compounds May Exert Anti-Cancer Benefits

Nanoparticulated punicalagins, bioactive compounds from pomegranate, exhibit efficacy at stopping the growth and spread of cancer cells. Pomegranate, a rich source of antioxidants, has been linked to improved heart health, and a growing body of science indicates the fruit may exert anti-cancer properties.  Liwei Gu, from University of Florida (Florida, USA), have found that punicalagins, …

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Nanoparticles Target Cardiovascular Disease


Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) researchers build targeted  nanoparticles with ability to cling to artery walls and release medicine slowly. Heralding a potentially major advance that potentially provides an alternative to drug-releasing stents in some patients with cardiovascular disease, Omid Farokhzad, from Harvard Medical School and Robert Langer, from the Massachusetts …

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