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Promising New Way To Diagnose Ovarian Cancer

Exercise Is Medicine For Cancer And Every Dose Counts, Even In Late Stages

A new study from Nagoya University published in the journal Science Advances reports that they have identified three previously unknown membrane proteins in ovarian cancer and by using a technology consisting of nanowires with polyketone coatings were able to capture the proteins, possibly demonstrating a new detection method for identifying ovarian cancer. Discovering new biomarkers …

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Urine tests identify brain tumors by capturing cancer DNA using nanowires

Urine tests identify brain tumors by capturing cancer DNA using nanowires

A group led by researchers at Nagoya University in Japan has developed a technology to capture and release cell-free DNA (cfDNA) on nanowire surfaces from urine. By extracting this DNA, they were able to successfully detect IDH1 mutation, a characteristic genetic mutation of gliomas, a type of brain tumor. Their findings increase the effectiveness of …

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The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

Image: A biofilm-powered sensor, on the neck, that measures the mechanical signal of swallowing. Credit: Liu et al., 10.1038/s41467-022-32105-6 Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced that they have figured out how to engineer a biofilm that harvests the energy in evaporation and converts it to electricity. This biofilm, which was announced in …

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