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Centenarian Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

Centenarian Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

Around the globe, people are living longer healthier lives than ever before, which is evident in the number of centenarians; in 1840 there were 90 in the USA, that’s 1 for every 189,000 people but now there are more than 53,000 which is 1 for every 5,800 people. Centenarians are people who are living into …

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7 Habits For A Healthy Sleep Cycle In A Busy Life

Regular Bedtimes Benefits Adults As Much As Kids

In today’s world, people have gotten so busy that getting a good sleep is almost impossible. Yet, it’s so much needed to stay active and productive. Here, forming a good sleeping habit will do the trick! A recent study was conducted on sleep deprivation; adults need about 9 hours to function perfectly. Even when people …

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What nap times reveal about your child's brain development

Bedtime Technology Linked To Higher BMI And Less Sleep In Children

Infants who nap a lot have smaller vocabularies and poorer cognitive skills — according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Parents the world over are prone to worry about their children getting either too little or too much sleep. But a new study published today reveals that some children are more efficient …

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Morning Lark Or Night Owl: Influence Of Behavior On Circadian Preferences

Morning Lark Or Night Owl: Influence Of Behavior On Circadian Preferences

Some people naturally prefer the night, these are night owls, other people naturally wake up early with the light, these are morning larks. Every person has a chronotype for how much sleep a person needs at a certain time, which was thought to be unchangeable. But recent research published in the journal Chronobiology International from …

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Too Much Sleep May Increase Risk Of Dementia

Too Much Sleep May Increase Risk Of Dementia

Sleep is wonderful, you get to relax, recharge and unwind while hopefully having great dreams. Sleep is a complex biological process when both the mind and body recover from your adventures during your waking hours, and there is ample documentation showing how important sleep is to your health and well-being. But can you sleep too …

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Dragging Your Feet? Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Walk

Dragging Your Feet? Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Walk

Good sleep can be hard to come by. But a new study finds that if you can make up for lost sleep, even for just a few weekend hours, the extra zzz’s could help reduce fatigue-induced clumsiness, at least in how you walk. There’s plenty of evidence to show sleep, and how much we get …

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Scrap the nap: Study shows short naps don't relieve sleep deprivation

Reason For Taking A Nap May Have Been Made Even Better

According to  Michigan State University, short naps of up to 60 minutes in duration do not mitigate the effects of a night of sleep deprivation, a new study reports. However, the amount of slow-wave sleep achieved during a nap was related to reduced impairments associated with sleep deprivation. A nap during the day won’t restore …

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Alzheimer’s May Kill Cells Needed To Stay Awake

Alzheimer’s May Kill Cells Needed To Stay Awake

A recent study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia suggests that Alzheimer’s disease may kill off cells that are needed to stay awake, which may explain why those living with this debilitating and brain wasting disease nap so much.  The study found that tau proteins promote the degeneration of brain regions that are responsible for keeping …

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People Who Nap Are More Productive?

Reason For Taking A Nap May Have Been Made Even Better

According to a recent survey of 2,000 Americans, those who nap regularly are more productive and happier than those who don’t. Taking that nap may be an easy way to improve your day to day productivity and improve your mood. Napping habits and personality traits were examined from the respondents that are most associated with …

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Easy Ways To Boost Energy

Natural Sleep Remedies

At one point or another fatigue strikes everyone, whether you feel like your batteries need replacing or your feeling drained after starting off the day strong. Provided your doctor has ruled out any possible serious medical causes there are a few basic things you can do to recharge. Don’t overtax yourself by constantly keeping going, …

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