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Three-Prong Treatment Eliminates Tumors In Five Minutes

Three-Prong Treatment Eliminates Tumors In Five Minutes

To illuminate and kill cancerous tumors, researchers in China have developed a nanoplatform that non-invasively eliminates solid liver cancer tumors in mice with a single five-minute dose. The mice had no perceivable side effects and all lived at least 30 days post-treatment, a milestone marker in animal model cancer research, according to the investigators. They …

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Imaging Pill Diagnosing Breast Cancer

Can diet help with advanced breast cancer? All indications are positive

Mammograms can be uncomfortable, and doesn’t always provide accurate results, exposing women to harmful X-rays. Scientists claim to have developed a non-invasive disease screening pill which makes cancerous tumors light up when exposed to near-infrared lighting, without the use of radiation, as published in ACS’ journal Molecular Pharmaceutics. According to the American Cancer Society breast …

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