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During sleep, one brain region teaches another, converting novel data into enduring memories

One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked With Reduced Brain Size

Using a neural network model, Penn neuroscientist Anna Schapiro and colleagues found that as the body moves between REM and slow-wave sleep cycles, the hippocampus and neocortex interact in ways that are key to memory formation. What role do the stages of sleep play in forming memories? “We’ve known for a long time that useful …

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New Role For Serotonin Identified In The Evolution Of The Developing Brain

AI Helping To Speed Brain Cancer Diagnosis

Happiness and the evolution of brain size: The happiness neurotransmitter serotonin can act as a growth factor for the stem cells in the fetal human brain that determine brain size. Research has identified a potential new role for the neurotransmitter serotonin that could explain a heretofore unknown evolutionary mystery.  During human evolution, the size of …

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Memory Improved With Overnight Brain Stimulation


Non-invasive overnight brain stimulation technique enhances memory storage without disturbing sleep by researchers from the University of New Mexico, as published in JNeurosci. Human research has demonstrated the potential to improve memory with a non-invasive technique delivered during sleep in a study with goals to gain better understandings of the process of memory consolidation which …

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