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Those With MS Might Avoid Cognitive Issues With A Mediterranean Diet

Those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who adhere to a Mediterranean Diet are less likely to show signs of cognitive impairment compared to those with the condition who don’t follow the top-ranking diet which is linked to numerous health benefits.  The study presented at the Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Boston suggests that the diet …

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The next generation of weight-loss medicine is on its way

The next generation of weight-loss medicine is on its way

A groundbreaking paper in Nature describes a promising new therapy for obesity that leads to greater weight loss in mice than existing medications. The approach smuggles molecules into the brain’s appetite centre and affects the brain’s neuroplasticity. “I consider the drugs available on the marked today as the first generation of weight-loss drugs. Now we …

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What is the Effectiveness & Economic Evaluation of Chiropractic Care for the Treatment of Low Back Pain?

Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

What is the Effectiveness & Economic Evaluation of Chiropractic Care for the Treatment of Low Back Pain? Understanding Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain: Effectiveness and Economic Evaluation  Low back pain is a prevalent issue, affecting millions worldwide. It can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort, restricting movement, and hindering work or leisure activities. Fortunately, …

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Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Key Takeaways Chiropractic care has a solid historical foundation and is backed by modern scientific research. It provides numerous benefits for pain relief, posture improvement, and overall well-being. Choosing the right chiropractor and incorporating lifestyle adjustments is crucial for the best outcomes. Chiropractic care is a natural and effective way to restore the body’s balance …

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Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated

Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated

In recent years, research has begun to reveal that the lines of communication between the body’s organs are key regulators of aging. When these lines are open, the body’s organs and systems work well together. But with age, communication lines deteriorate, and organs don’t get the molecular and electrical messages they need to function properly. …

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Early-stage stem cell therapy trial shows promise for treating progressive MS

Can All Immature Cells Develop Into Stem Cells?

An international team has shown that the injection of a type of stem cell into the brains of patients living with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) is safe, well tolerated and has a long-lasting effect that appears to protect the brain from further damage. The study, led by scientists at the University of Cambridge, University of …

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Microplastic Particles: Sex Toys May Cause Diabetes

Microplastic Particles: Sex Toys May Cause Diabetes

Apparently bringing sex toys into the bed could pose a health risk, adding to the amount of dangerous plastic particles in our bodies, according to a study published in Microplastics and Nanoplastics. These microplastic particles add up with others from numerous sources that we ingest or absorb into our bloodstream and can cause metabolic disorders …

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Extreme sports: How body and mind interact

Extreme sports: How body and mind interact

Ciara Burns spent 42 days rowing across the Atlantic in 2021 as part of a team of twelve. Clearly, whoever ventures on such an adventure has to go to the extreme limits both physically and mentally. Therefore, a situation like this is very interesting not only from a sporting point of view, but also for …

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Cognitive behavioral therapy eases how fibromyalgia pain is experienced by the brain

Vitamins May Help Manage Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

A randomized, controlled trial led by Mass General Brigham researchers demonstrates that cognitive behavioral therapy can significantly reduce the impact of fibromyalgia pain and is associated with reduced connectivity between self-referential cognition, threat detection and pain-processing brain networks. Patients living with fibromyalgia (FM) — a disease that predominantly affects women and is characterized by chronic …

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New research identifies cells linking chronic psychological stress to inflammatory bowel disease

New research identifies cells linking chronic psychological stress to inflammatory bowel disease

For the first time, cells involved with the communication between stress responses in the brain and inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract have been identified in animal models, according to findings from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, published recently in Cell. Glial cells, which support neurons, communicate stress signals from …

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