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What the Statistics Tell Us About Men and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Related Brain Defects May Be Reversed

One in every 12 adults meets the criteria for alcohol addiction. Alcohol is readily available worldwide, and in the United States, laws only require us to meet the legal drinking age to buy alcohol at will. It’s no wonder the substance ranks as one of the most abused substances, but is there a particular trend …

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Is Meth More Dangerous Than Prescription Stimulant Drugs?

Is Meth More Dangerous Than Prescription Stimulant Drugs?

The drug scene in America has always been a mixed bag, and stimulant drugs are no exception. While many conversations about stimulants are devoted to the meth epidemic, there exists an entire enterprise of prescription stimulant drugs that have similar negative statistics associated with them. Which is it? Is meth the more dangerous drug, or …

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Women can live better with an improved diet

Eat The Rainbow

Women tend to live longer than men but typically have higher rates of illness. Now, new research from the University of Georgia suggests these higher rates of illness can be improved by a better diet, one that is high in pigmented carotenoids such as yams, kale, spinach, watermelon, bell peppers, tomatoes, oranges and carrots. These …

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Researchers identify cells causing neuronal death in a mitochondrial disease animal model

Chemical Compound Promotes Healthy Aging

Microglia, a type of central nervous system cell, is primarily responsible for neuronal death in Leigh Syndrome and the neurological symptoms related to this mitochondrial disease. This is the conclusion of a research group from the Institut de Neurociències of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB) in a new study carried out on a mouse …

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Hidden Hazards: Clearing Out Toxins in the Home

Don’t Forget About That Shower Curtain

Some hazards in the home are easy to see. Like a loose electrical socket. Or torn carpet on the stairs. But others are harder to spot. And some are invisible, in the very air you breathe. These include lead, mold, and radon. But there are ways you can find and fix these unseen hazards. Learning …

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What Are the Best Medications Used to Treat Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol Related Brain Defects May Be Reversed

Even with the focus shifting to illicit drugs like fentanyl and meth, alcohol plays a major role in drug abuse and addiction. Alcohol addiction can look different depending on the environment, but with one in every 12 adults over the age of 18 meeting the criteria for this chronic disease, the process involved in recovery …

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Key protein identified for brain stem cell longevity

IPSCs Turned Into Natural Killer Cells

A receptor that was first identified as necessary for insulin action, that also is located on the neural stem cells found deep in the brains of mice, is pivotal for brain stem cell longevity, according to a Rutgers study, a finding that has important implications for brain health and future therapies for brain disorders. The …

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Can Taking Xanax Lead to Suicidal Thoughts?

Can Depression, Obesity, and Pain Be Fought By Blocking One Protein?

Xanax and other benzodiazepines are medications prescribed for symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, or shortness of breath. But as many people know, benzodiazepines have progressed to one of the most prescribed drugs globally, and Xanax is among the most prescribed benzos available. Because of this, Xanax has helped lead the way in benzos’ new identity …

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Healthy Plant-Based Diets Are Associated With A Lower Risk Of Developing Diabetes

Painless Patch For Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) finds that the consumption of healthy plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, coffee, and legumes, is associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) in generally healthy people and support their role in diabetes prevention. …

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The Impact Of Toxins On The Immune System

Eight Ways Chemical Pollutants Harm The Body

The global population is constantly exposed to toxins – be it chemical, physical, or biological – which can have detrimental effects on the immune system and overall health. While the immune system is inherently capable of self-regulation following an immune response to toxin exposure, chronic exposure can strain it to the point of malfunction. This …

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