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Mind Matters: Evidence-Based Approaches to Strengthen Mental Resilience

Mind Matters: Evidence-Based Approaches to Strengthen Mental Resilience

In today’s fast-paced and frequently difficult world, being mentally resilient is crucial to overcoming a variety of obstacles and setbacks. The capacity to constructively respond to hardship, trauma, and stress is known as mental resilience, and it is essential for maintaining psychological and general well-being. Fortunately, people may strengthen their mental resilience and lay a …

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Study Suggests Strange Dreams May Help Brain Learn Better

Study Links Gene To Cognitive Resilience In The Elderly

A new study by researchers from the University of Bern, Switzerland suggests that dreams – especially those that simultaneously appear realistic, but, upon a closer look, bizarre – help our brain learn and extract generic concepts from previous experiences. The study, carried out within the Human Brain Project and published in eLife, offers a new …

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Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Image Credit: © RUB, Kramer Are animals or artificial intelligence capable of having consciousness? A new theory of consciousness provides experimental access to the study of this phenomenon. Not just in humans. Two researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have come up with a new theory of consciousness. They have long been exploring the nature of …

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Putting up a good fight: Regenerating the body's natural defenses by restoring lymphatic networks

Putting up a good fight: Regenerating the body's natural defenses by restoring lymphatic networks

The human body is an incredibly designed machine, and mechanical processes such as those in the lymphatic system play major roles in maintaining healthy tissue and organs. Donny Hanjaya-Putra is an assistant professor whose work lies at the intersection of engineering and medicine. He studies the lymphatic system — the part of the immune system …

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Obesity Is More Common Among Women With Less Social Ties

Obesity Is More Common Among Women With Less Social Ties

According to a recent study published in PLOS ONE from the University of British Columbia women with fewer social ties have been found to be more likely to struggle with obesity; men by contrast have lower risk of obesity if they have smaller social networks and live alone.  The researchers focused on data from the …

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