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Predicting Disease Susceptibility Through Changes in Cognitive Performance

5 Habits That Help To Enhance Brain And Mental Performance

Cognitive function and other physiological factors, such as stress levels, have long been associated with physiological health and immunocompetence. Markers of cognitive function, such as reaction time, vigilance, and processing speed, are central to human ability and optimal performance. Variability in these measures is common, as numerous environmental, physical, and mental factors can modify them, …

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Skip The Sweet Treats To Help Avoid The Holiday Blues

Sweet Tooth Gene Connected With Less Body Fat

If you’re prone to depression, this holiday season you might want to say “bah humbug” to offers of sugar plum pudding, caramel corn, and chocolate babka. A study from a team of clinical psychologists at the University of Kansas suggests eating added sugars — common in so many holiday foods — can trigger metabolic, inflammatory, …

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Brain Mechanism May Help Treat Aggression

Shared Stress

Neurobiological mechanisms helping to keep aggression under control have been identified that may lead to development of treatments to target those with aggression problems associated with psychological disorders, as published in Molecular Psychiatry. A variety of psychiatric disorder present with violence and aggression destructive to the patient and society worldwide; disability, disease, death and some …

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