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Aging Cells Express Shorter Genes

Clusters of genes help mice live longer

Recent research suggests that aging may be less about specific aging genes and more about how long the genes are. A paper published in the journal Trends in Genetics suggests that many of the changes that are associated with aging may be occurring due to the decreased expression of long genes.  The researchers said that …

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Glutathione Helps To Keep Mitochondria Healthy

Glutathione Helps To Keep Mitochondria Healthy

A hungry cell has to be alerted to the presence of nutrients outside the cell wall by a sensing mechanism so a transporter protein can bring the nutrients inside. While only a handful have been identified, these nutrient-sensing mechanisms have a profound impact on health. However, within each cell, there are also self-contained, membrane-bound organelles …

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Obesity Linked To Neurodegeneration

Obesity Linked To Neurodegeneration

Obesity has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease through insulin resistance in recent research led by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center published in the journal PLOS Biology. The researchers showed that a high-sugar diet, which is a hallmark of obesity, causes insulin resistance in the brain, which in turn reduces the ability …

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How immunity contributes to aging and neurodegeneration

New chemical compound demonstrates potential in nerve regeneration

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our overall health and make us more susceptible to diseases. One common factor in the ageing process is low-grade inflammation, which contributes to age-related decline and impairment. However, the precise pathways responsible for this inflammation and their impact on natural ageing have remained elusive …

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Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

Most people don’t put very much thought into oral disease as a serious health issue, but there is a growing body of evidence showing that oral bacteria plays a significant role in systemic diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers. This collaborative study from Forsyth scientists and Boston University which was recently published in …

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Obesity-Related Neurodegeneration Mimics Alzheimer's Disease

Battle Of The Belly

A new study led by scientists at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) of McGill University finds a correlation between neurodegeneration in obese people and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, suggesting that losing excess weight could slow cognitive decline in aging and lower risk for AD. Previous research has shown that obesity is linked with Alzheimer’s disease …

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Managing Emotions Better Could Help Prevent Pathological Aging

Optimists Live Longer & Are Less Likely To Have Heart Problems

Negative emotions, anxiety, and depression are thought to promote the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and dementia. But what is their impact on the brain and can their deleterious effects be limited? Neuroscientists at the University of Geneva (UNIGE) observed the activation of the brains of young and older adults when confronted with the psychological suffering …

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Boost proper brain function

Common Foods That Can Boost Cognition And Memory

Dr. Keith Wharton is the current member of the month at A4M. He and his team at Three Rivers Restorative Medicine practice preventive and customized, personalized patient care and believe in a proactive approach to healthcare in their high-tech, state-of-the-art facility in Pennsylvania. The following article can be found on their blog.  Annually, millions of …

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Partially Reversing Cognitive Decline

Defending Against Prion Diseases

In a compelling demonstration researchers show the degree to which dysfunctional microglia contribute to age related neurodegeneration using a pharmacological approach to vastly deplete aged microglial population to allow it to recover naturally, as published in Aging Cell. Influx of new microglia was observed to improved many aspects of brain function, although the procedure did …

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Possible Role Of Senescent Cells In New Neurodegeneration Pathway

Anti-Aging Products Are The New Frontier

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic spotlight the role of senescent cells in neurodegeneration offering more data starting down a new pathway that may lead to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as published in Nature. The anti-aging industry and research has been growing worldwide, with a focus on clearing away senescent cells that clutter the body with …

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