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Purple Berries: Natural Nootropics?

Purple Berries: Natural Nootropics?

Purple berries may well be the most common globally accessible and longest used nootropics of them all; these potent fruits are part of the family of edible berries characterized by their purple-ish pigment and include blueberries, blackberries, bilberries, acai berries, maqui berries, elderberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries which are all known for their impressive brain …

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Why ketamine is a speedster antidepressant

Americans More Open About Mental Health Issues, But Stigma Lingers

Ketamine is the speedster of antidepressants, working within hours compared to more common antidepressants that can take several weeks. But ketamine can only be given for a limited amount of time because of its many side effects. Now, a new Northwestern Medicine study identifies for the first time exactly how ketamine works so quickly, and …

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Plasmalogens alleviate age-related cognitive decline in mice

Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

Scientists have learned that plasmalogens, obscure but important lipids, serve as a mediator of neurogenesis and synaptic health, and can reverse age-related cognitive decline in mice[1].  Plasmalogens and membranes Plasmalogens are a subtype of phospholipids, the molecules that cellular membranes are mostly made of. Plasmalogens are especially abundant in the brain, heart, and immune cells, …

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Key protein identified for brain stem cell longevity

IPSCs Turned Into Natural Killer Cells

A receptor that was first identified as necessary for insulin action, that also is located on the neural stem cells found deep in the brains of mice, is pivotal for brain stem cell longevity, according to a Rutgers study, a finding that has important implications for brain health and future therapies for brain disorders. The …

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Intermittent Fasting in mice demonstrably more effective at promoting long term memory retention

Intermittent Fasting in mice demonstrably more effective at promoting long term memory retention

A new study from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London has established that Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an effective means of improving long term memory retention and generating new adult hippocampal neurons in mice, in what the researchers hope has the potential to slow the advance of cognitive decline …

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Blood Factor Involved With Aging And Weight Loss

Blood Factor Involved With Aging And Weight Loss

Aging has been shown to be delayed through lifestyle changes such as exercise and restricting calorie intake. As published in Aging Cell researchers have elucidated properties of a molecule in the blood whose mechanisms were previously unknown; in a mouse model it was shown that this molecule mimics benefits of certain calorie restrictions. Certain calorie …

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The Brain Can Form New Cells Throughout Life

Mild Brain Zaps May Boost Memory In Those Aged 60+

It was believed that after adolescence we were pretty much stuck with the brain cells that have already been formed, recent studies have shown that neurogenesis can occur well into adulthood. University of Illinois research has found that though at a decelerated rate brain cells can form well into the 90s, even if one has …

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Could Broccoli Be The Key To Brain Regeneration?

Could Broccoli Be The Key To Brain Regeneration?

The brain is always in a state of self repair, neural stem cells naturally repair and replace aged and damaged nerve tissues. This natural process is expedited by certain beneficial phytonutrients and it also hampered by certain toxic elements. Pollutants in water, food, air, and medicines all negatively influence the ability to remember, learn, and …

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Boosting Brain Cell Regeneration Naturally

Boosting Brain Cell Regeneration Naturally

As it turns out brain cells are not a one time thing, the body produces new neurons all the time, and there are steps that can be taken to maximize the process. New research has debunked the popular belief that the body stops producing new brain cells once adulthood is reached. Brain cells are now …

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Alcohol Related Brain Defects May Be Reversed

Alcohol Related Brain Defects May Be Reversed

A drug that may be able to help the brain reboot and reverse the damages of heavy alcohol consumption on regeneration of brain cells may have been identified by researchers from Queensland University of Technology. The study was conducted using mice models with results showing that 2 weeks of daily treatment with tandospirone was able …

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