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Resveratrol May Preserve Neuromuscular Synapses And Muscle Fibers

A study recently published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, led by scientists from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has discovered that resveratrol and metformin may have many of the neuroprotective benefits of a low-calorie diet and exercise.  “We all slow down as we get older. Gait, balance issues, …

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Cannabinol May Protect Brain Cells

Cannabinol May Protect Brain Cells

Around 1 in every 10 adults over the age of 65 years old will develop an age-related neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, and despite decades of research, treatment options for those affected by these disorders remain sparse, to say the least.  To help bridge the gaps in treatments for these disorders scientists …

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Ginkgo Biloba May Improve Early Cognitive Recovery After Stroke

Ginkgo Biloba May Improve Early Cognitive Recovery After Stroke

Active components of ginkgo biloba may help to improve early cognitive recovery after having a stroke, according to a preliminary study to be presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2024.  The preliminary study treated adults who experienced an ischemic (clot-caused) stroke with 14 days of intravenous injections of ginkgo diterpene lactone meglumine …

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Wearable Infrared Light Device Might Help People Sleep

Wearable Infrared Light Device Might Help People Sleep

Image Caption: Phototherapy Device Credit: University of Arizona An infrared light-emitting collar may help those with sleep issues obtain the sleep they are seeking, according to a press release from researchers at the University of Arizona. Participants in the study experienced significant improvements in sleep-related symptoms after three weeks of phototherapy, reporting better sleep quality, …

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Cranberries May Help Improve Memory And Ward Off Dementia

Cranberries May Help Improve Memory And Ward Off Dementia

Including cranberries in your diet may help to improve your memory and brain function while lowering cholesterol levels, according to research from the University of East Anglia in collaboration with the Leiden University Medical Center, the University of Parma, and the Quadram Institute published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition. “Dementia is expected to affect …

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A Polyphenol-Rich Diet May Prevent Inflammation In Older People

Cells In The Nervous System Can Halt Inflammation

Polyphenols in the foods that we eat can prevent inflammation in older people since they alter the intestinal microbiota and induce the production of the indole 3-propionic acid (IPA), a metabolite derived from the degradation of tryptophan due to intestinal bacteria. This is stated in a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food …

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Neuroprotective Mechanism Altered By Alzheimer's Disease Risk Genes

Emerging Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutic Slows Decline

The brain has a natural protective mechanism against Alzheimer’s disease, and researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital and collaborating institutions have discovered that gene variants associated with risk of developing the disease disturb the protective mechanism in ways that can lead to neurodegeneration. The researchers also showed in a fruit fly model …

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Scientists discover gene therapy provides neuroprotection to prevent glaucoma vision loss

New Bar Set In Retinal Imaging

A form of gene therapy protects optic nerve cells and preserves vision in mouse models of glaucoma, according to research supported by NIH’s National Eye Institute. The findings suggest a way forward for developing neuroprotective therapies for glaucoma, a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness. The report was published in Cell. Glaucoma results from …

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Compound Derived From Turmeric Essential Oil Has Neuroprotective Properties

Curcumin Crush

Researchers from Kumamoto University, Japan have found that a component derived from turmeric essential oil, aromatic turmerone (ar-turmerone), and its derivatives act directly on dopaminergic nerves to create a neuroprotective effect on tissue cultures of a Parkinson’s disease model. This appears to be due to enhanced cellular antioxidant potency from the activation of Nrf2. The …

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Vitamin E And Carotenoids May Help To Reduce The Speed Of Cognitive Decline

Vitamin E And Carotenoids May Help To Reduce The Speed Of Cognitive Decline

According to a large prospective cohort study published in Nutrients a diet that is rich in vitamin E and carotenoids, including lycopene, may help to reduce the speed of cognitive decline. Greater focus has been placed on gaining a better understanding of what factors may be accelerating cognitive decline when trying to extend cognitive functioning …

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