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The Forgotten Epidemic: How Meth Addiction is Spreading Across America

The Forgotten Epidemic: How Meth Addiction is Spreading Across America

The meth epidemic is normally described as the concentrated spread of methamphetamine throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. But because of the advent of OxyContin in 1996, the opioid epidemic soon took a front seat in the discussion of drugs in America. It is common to assume that America has transitioned from a meth problem, …

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Precise Brain Surgery Without a Scalpel Developed

Laser Beam Used To Treat Inoperable Brain Tumour

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have developed a noninvasive way to remove faulty brain circuits that could allow doctors to treat debilitating neurological diseases without the need for conventional brain surgery. The UVA team, together with colleagues at Stanford University, indicate that the approach, if successfully translated to the operating room, could revolutionize …

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Can Malaria Be Controlled Without Chemicals?

Genetically Modified Insects

As published in Nature Communications scientists suggest that they have found malaria’s Achilles heel, and it is a neurotoxin that is not harmful to any living thing except for Anopheles mosquitoes that spread deadly malaria. Close to half of the world’s population resides in areas vulnerable to malaria, as such approximately 450,000 people die annually …

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Dangers Of Aluminum Foil

Dangers Of Aluminum Foil

You may be putting you and yours in harms way if you use aluminum foil in the kitchen, as aluminum has been scrutinized for years in the scientific community for its potential role as a neurotoxin. Aluminum does not have a physiological role within the human body which gives it the potential to cause significant …

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