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Biohacking Bioidentical Hormones

Biohacking Bioidentical Hormones

Book review courtesy of: Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP The dictionary defines hacking in “computerese”  as to devise or modify (a computer program), usually skillfully. Dave Asprey challenges us to the concept of “biohacking” in his book “The Bulletproof Diet”. Dave Asprey is an early Silicon Valley computer engineer who made millions with Internet hacking.  He …

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Hormones And Emotional Health

Emotions Help To Predict Future Eating Disorders

Emotional health is inseparably linked to our hormones. Hormones are powerful substances, with even small quantities able to produce profound effects on health. Moods may be affected by many factors, including: Social and physical environment Diet Exercise Sleep patterns These factors are also connected to hormones, which regulate the brain’s response system and thereby determine …

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Medical Yoga Therapy

Medical Yoga Therapy

Medical yoga therapy is the use of yoga for the prevention and treatment of medical conditions which incorporates appropriate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and meditation to help achieve maximum benefits beyond the physical elements of yoga. Yoga has been shown by several studies to positively impact the body and mind in many ways such as helping …

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Good Foods = Good Moods

Good Foods = Good Moods

Pretty much everyone has felt a bit blue and down in the dumps, it’s not a nice feeling and can be a tough state of mind to shake for some. Anxiety and Depression Association of America has stated that major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability within USA. More than 16.1 million Americans …

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Anti-Seizure Effects Of Ketogenic Diets


Specific gut bacteria that play important roles in anti-seizure effects of a ketogenic diet have been identified by scientists at UCLA, in the first study to establish causal links between seizure susceptibility and gut microbiota, as published in the journal Cell. Ketogenic diets boasts numerous health benefits including fewer seizures in patients with epilepsy who …

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Pucker Up And Plant A Smooch

Pucker Up And Plant A Smooch

Kissing is one the the simplest forms to express appreciation, love and affection to those around us. It may have even included kissing a few people on the cheek in polite simple greeting depending on where one is from.   People want to kiss children, babies, pets, friends, and our partners. Engaging in a mutual …

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Soy Protein Boosts Brain Function


Peptides from soybeans modulate neurotransmitters, thereby helping to boost circulation in the brain. A number of previous studies provide evidence that soy consumption helps to lower the risk of heart disease and certain forms of cancer, as well as reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms.  D. Yimit, from Xinjiang Medical University (China), and colleagues hydrolyzed …

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