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Ginger Supplements May Help To Treat Autoimmune Diseases

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

According to a study published in JCI Insight from researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the University of Michigan, ginger may play an important role in controlling inflammation among those with autoimmune diseases. The clinical trial investigated the impact of ginger supplements on white blood cell (neutrophil) function.  This study was …

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Immune Cell Offers Possible Path To Treating Brain Diseases

Cytotoxic T Cells May Be A Key To Longevity

Scientists from the University of Michigan and Ohio State University have discovered an immune cell that could possibly be harnessed to partially reverse the nerve damage experienced in neurological diseases to slow ALS, MS, and other brain disorders. The team discovered the new type of granulocyte white blood cell while studying mouse models. This cell …

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Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes are nano sized vesicles constantly released by most cells. Ability to travel between cells and deliver cargo such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids makes them good candidates for cell free therapy options to treat a variety of diseases. In this study human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes are investigated for …

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