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Subcellular Chatter Regulates Longevity

Lysosome To Mitochondria Communication May Regulate Longevity

Image credit: © Raymond Laboy Microscopy image of a C. elegans worm (red: nuclei, in which NFYB-1 is present, green: lysosomes). As reported in recent Max-Planck-Gesellschaft research, as people get older, they often feel less energetic, mobile or active. This may be due in part to a decline in mitochondria, the tiny powerhouses inside of …

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Lysosome To Mitochondria Communication May Regulate Longevity

Lysosome To Mitochondria Communication May Regulate Longevity

Image credit: © Raymond Laboy Microscopy image of a C. elegans worm (red: nuclei, in which NFYB-1 is present, green: lysosomes). As humans age they very often tend to feel less energetic, less mobile, and less active. According to recent research published in Nature Metabolism this may be due in part to a decline in …

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