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Adopting Changes In Your Lifestyle To Experience Better Sleep

Adopting Changes In Your Lifestyle To Experience Better Sleep

Making changes in your lifestyle, which includes your dietary choices, can help you improve your sleep quality. Certain natural remedies and supplements may even assist in this process. Good quality of sleep is essential to complement your regular healthy diet and exercise routines. Research has shown that poor-quality sleep can negatively affect brain functions, exercise …

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Could a Drug Prevent Hearing Loss from Loud Music and Aging?

Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

A person’s hearing can be damaged by loud noise, aging and even certain medications, with little recourse beyond a hearing aid or cochlear implant. But now, UCSF scientists have achieved a breakthrough in understanding what is happening in the inner ear during hearing loss, laying the groundwork for preventing deafness. The research, published on Dec. …

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The Quest For Sleep: Struggling With Insomnia

The Quest For Sleep: Struggling With Insomnia

From time to time most people will struggle to fall asleep, but insomnia can leave you feeling pretty desperate after a few restless nights. It may take trial and error but there are some practical strategies that could help you to fight insomnia and fall asleep, at least maybe for tonight.  Insomnia often has an …

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Fighting Insomnia: The Quest For Sleep

Addressing Racial Disparities in Sleep Patterns

From time to time most people will struggle to fall asleep, but insomnia can leave you feeling pretty desperate after a few restless nights. It may take trial and error but there are some practical strategies that could help you to fight insomnia and fall asleep, at least maybe for tonight.  Insomnia often has an …

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Researchers find a link between traffic noise and tinnitus

Breakthrough In Search For Tinnitus Cure

There is a correlation between traffic noise and the risk of developing tinnitus, researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have found. They point to a vicious cycle involving stress reactions and sleep disturbance as a potential cause. In a new study with data from 3.5 million Danes, researchers from the Department of Clinical Research …

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Why You Shouldn’t Resolve To Resolve Anything This Year

It’s Alive! A4M Doctors Are Winning Big & Changing The World Again

Each January sparks a flurry of New Year’s resolutions: drink less alcohol, eat better, quit smoking, spend less, exercise more, and so on. Many may try Dry January, 30-day diets or exercise challenges, or deleting social media apps – and the January Gym Rush speaks for itself. These goals can often be boiled down to …

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Ketamine found to increase brain noise

Ketamine found to increase brain noise

An international team of researchers including Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow at the HSE University-Perm, found that ketamine, being an NMDA receptor inhibitor, increases the brain’s background noise, causing higher entropy of incoming sensory signals and disrupting their transmission between the thalamus and the cortex. This finding may contribute to a better understanding of the …

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Planting Trees Can Save Lives, Study Shows

Green Spaces May Be Linked To Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke

In the past 30 years, the non-profit organization Friends of Trees planted trees along the streets of Portland, Oregon. Now, a new study shows that each tree planted was associated with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular mortality (of 20% and 6%, respectively, for trees planted in the preceding 15-30 years). The researchers also estimate …

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Safeguard Your Hearing

Can You Hear It?

October is national protect your hearing month. It’s a noisy planet, safeguard yourself and your loved ones from induced hearing loss. Sounds can harm your hearing when they are too loud and last too long. The louder the sound, the quicker it can damage your hearing. For example, everyday sounds such as emergency sirens range …

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How is noise pollution considered in modern construction?

Noise Complaints: Taking On Tinnitus

Noise pollution is a huge problem in our world today. We are constantly surrounded by noise, and it is not easy to escape it. This is especially true if you are a new homeowner with renovation activities going on in your new home.  Construction sites are a common source of noise pollution and can be …

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