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Call For Action To Define The Future Role Of Food In America

ICYMI: USDA Extends Free Meals For All Kids

Alarming trends call for action to define the future role of food in American health. A new public opinion poll and expert analysis highlight the need to make healthy food accessible to avoid a projected crisis in incidences of cardiovascular disease and costs, according to a news release from the American Heart Association. The new …

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Nutrient-Rich Purees: Boosting Recovery After Dental Procedures

Nutrient-Rich Purees: Boosting Recovery After Dental Procedures

Recovering from dental procedures can be challenging, especially when maintaining a nutritious diet. Managing solid foods can be difficult, and finding soft, nutrient-dense alternatives is crucial. Nutrient-rich purees offer an ideal solution, providing essential vitamins and minerals that aid healing and recovery. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of incorporating purees into your post-dental …

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Doctors Are Not Taught Enough About Nutrition In Medical School

Schooling Linked To Longevity And Slowed Aging

BMI and weight don’t necessarily predict the total picture of health. Yet those in med school are still taught to tell patients to lose weight because the training focuses on weight and BMI exacerbating anti-obesity bias and increasing the risk of eating disorders. However, that same training doesn’t really provide the medical students adequate education …

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Inaugural Insights for Clinical Success: Top Lessons From The A4M Weight Management Certification Program

Inaugural Insights for Clinical Success: Top Lessons From The A4M Weight Management Certification Program

Earlier this month, the first class of pioneering soon-to-be weight management experts gathered for the inaugural Clinical Weight Management Certification Program in Scottsdale, Arizona. This immersive experience was filled with insightful lectures, thought-provoking discussions, and engaging collaborative learning opportunities that left participants empowered and equipped with the critical knowledge and skills needed to navigate the …

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Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet starts with making healthy sensible food choices. You don’t need to be a master chef to create nutritious and delicious meals, it just means being more conscious about what you are planning on eating. Luckily most of us have mobile phones that make it easier to look up things when we are …

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Golden Years Nutrition: Crafting a Healthy Diet Plan for Aging Parents

Breaking Down Food: A Closer Look at What You Eat

As we grow older, our immune systems also grow weaker. Our bone density reduces, and our risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure rises, among other health issues. The demand for diet in older people fluctuates with age, the same way, the nutritional requirements for the elderly increases. There are many variables …

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Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Along with becoming more health conscious, some people are also becoming more aware of their impact on Earth and are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. What we eat impacts our health, and it can also impact the environment. Previous research has looked at the impact of diets in general terms, this study published in …

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Energy And Macronutrients Across Lifespan

Increasing plant-based offerings at hospitals can improve community health outcomes

Current research appears to be taking pointers from the past and is trending toward the concept of food as medicine, which is a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within intervention to support health and wellness that dates back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who once said: “Let food be thy medicine …

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“Hidden Hunger” And Iron Deficiency

Over One Third Of The Poorest Countries Face Undernutrition & Obesity

Hunger has historically been linked to malnutrition and is a particular concern for lower to middle-income countries where hunger may be the leading cause of mortality for children. However, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also occur in those who are overweight and obese who have nutrient-poor but energy-dense diets, which has been coined “hidden hunger”. …

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Natural molecule found in coffee and human body increases NAD+ levels, improves muscle function during aging

That essential morning coffee may be a placebo

A research consortium led by Nestlé Research in Switzerland and the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine) made a recent discovery that the natural molecule trigonelline present in coffee, fenugreek, and also in the human body, can help to improve muscle health and function. In an international collaboration among …

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