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Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Your frying pan may be harming your health, especially when cooking meals that involve frying or sauteing, according to a new study from The University of British Columbia (UBC) published in the journal Environmental Science; finding that frying or sauteing releases brown carbon aerosols that could be impacting indoor air quality as well as your …

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Avoiding White Colored Foods

The No White Food Diet

The No White Food Diet or No White Diet is an eating pattern that is based upon the idea that eliminating all processed, white-colored foods from the daily diet can help promote weight loss and improve blood sugar control. The tops to avoid in this pattern are white flour, white rice, white salt, white sugar, …

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Consuming A Diet With More Fish Fats, Less Vegetable Oils Can Reduce Migraine Headaches, Study Finds

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Reduce Risk Of CVD & Heart Attack

A diet higher in fatty fish helped frequent migraine sufferers reduce their monthly number of headaches and intensity of pain compared to participants on a diet higher in vegetable-based fats and oils, according to a new study. The findings by a team of researchers from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Institute …

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Aromatherapy Basics For Better Health

Aromatherapy Basics For Better Health

Aromatherapy is a form of holistic healing with various benefits that range from physical to emotional and psychological of which essential oils play a big role in promoting positive effects. Lavandula angustifolia provides an essential oil that is one of the most popular and commonly used versatile and potent essential oils used in aromatherapy. Lavender …

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Essential Oils Found To Have Antibacterial Effects Comparable To Antibiotics

Compound In Oregano With Powerful Antimicrobial Properties

Certain combinations of essential oils were found to exhibit antibacterial effects similar to modern antibiotics in research from Kotebe Metropolitan University, as published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Blepharis cuspidata, Boswellia ogadensis, and Thymus schimper essential oils were investigated for their antibacterial effects, efficacy was tested against multidrug resistance Escherichia coli, Klebsiella …

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Compound In Oregano With Powerful Antimicrobial Properties

Compound In Oregano With Powerful Antimicrobial Properties

Essential oils can be helpful for uses other than aromatherapy in alternative medicine options to treat mild ailments and improve emotional well being. Along with being aromatic essential oils contain compounds that possess other benefits such as antimicrobial properties. The compound carvacrol, found in a variety of essential oils, has been extensively studied due to …

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Essential Oils Worthy Of A Place In A First Aid Kit

Essential Oils That May Be Beneficial To ADHD

When you think of making a first aid box essential oils may not be the first thing that comes to mind, however they may come in more handy than you may think. These concentrated plant extracts do more than smell lovely, they have a rather long history of being used for their medicinal and therapeutic …

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Essential Oils That May Be Beneficial To ADHD

Essential Oils That May Be Beneficial To ADHD

Three behaviors that interfere with functioning or development define attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. Symptoms vary from person to person, but those with ADHD find it hard to follow instructions, remain focused, and may have challenges with organizational skills that could influence learning ability, social habits, relationships, and daily functioning. Currently there …

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Cooking Oil Inflammation

Canola Oil Linked To Worsening Memory, Dementia, And Weight Gain

Some cooking oils are healthy and some are very unhealthy actually causing harm to the body. Just because it may be labeled as vegetable oil does not mean that it is good for you, most of such is simply heavily refined soybean oil or heavily refined cottonseed, safflower, corn, grapeseed, or other oils; almost all …

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Differences in Omega-3 Compounds Affect Brain Skills

Differences in Omega-3 Compounds Affect Brain Skills

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may improve cognitive performance while reducing neural activity. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests a wide range of potential health effects of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation – ranging from cardiovascular to immune system benefits.  Scientists are now focusing attention towards identifying the specific compounds present in omega-3s, to ascertain their respective …

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