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Small Molecule Shows Early-Stage Promise for Repairing Myelin Sheath Damage

New Clues To Age Related Diseases & Food Spoilage

When treated with a novel protein function inhibitor called ESI1, mice that mimic the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and lab-prepared human brain cells both demonstrated the ability to regenerate vital myelin coatings that protect healthy axon function. This breakthrough, published May 2, 2024, in Cell, appears to overcome difficulties that have long frustrated previous …

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Untapped Potential Of Stem Cells Could Aid Repair Of Spinal Cord Damage

Untapped Potential Of Stem Cells Could Aid Repair Of Spinal Cord Damage

Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have identified a group of latent stem cells that respond to injury in the central nervous system of mice. If a similar type of cell exists in humans, they could offer a new therapeutic approach to treating brain and spinal cord injuries. After disease or injury, stem cells help …

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Signaling from neighboring cells provides power boost within axons

Study Adds to Evidence That Most Cancer Cells Grown in a Dish Have Little in Common Genetically with Cancer Cells in People

Nerve cells (neurons) send signals throughout the brain and the body along long processes called axons; these communication and information processes consume high levels of energy. A recent study conducted at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the National Institutes of Health, shows that the support cells around axons provide …

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Stem Cell Research Reveals Culprit Of Remyelination

Stem Cell Research Reveals Culprit Of Remyelination

The spontaneous regeneration of brain fatty insulators that keep neurons communicating is called remyelination; stem cell research has revealed the culprit of what prevents remyelination and possibly leads to multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases. Scientists from the University of Buffalo have revealed preclinical findings showing activation of a specific transcription factor, PRRX1 in human …

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Milestone In Lab Grown Human Brain Tisse Using Stem Cells

Better Understandings Of Schistosoma Thanks To Stem Cell Research

Missing cell type in brain organoids has been generated using a cutting edge laboratory technique to turn human stem cells into brain like tissue that recapitulates human brain development more accurately than ever according to researchers from Case Western Reserve University as published in Nature Methods. The new study demonstrates how to grow brain organoids …

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Estrogen Treatment Has Positive Effects In Treatment Of MS

Could an Estrogen Patch Boost Women's Sex Lives in Menopause?

Cellular basis of how estrogen protects against damage to the central nervous system in people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis has been shown in a study that was conducted by researcher from UCLA, in which estrogen treatments exerted positive effects on 2 types of cells: oligodendrocytes and immune cells in the brain. The favourable actions on …

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Cord Stem Cells Converted into Other Cell Types


For the first time ever, stem cells from umbilical cords have been converted into other types of cells, paving the way for new treatment options for spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, among other nervous system diseases. For the first time ever, stem cells from umbilical cords have been converted into other types of cells, …

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