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PFAS exposure from high seafood diets may be underestimated

A Dartmouth-led study suggests that people who frequently consume seafood may face an increased risk of exposure to PFAS, the family of ubiquitous and resilient human-made toxins known as “forever chemicals.” The findings stress the need for more stringent public health guidelines that establish the amount of seafood people can safely consume to limit their …

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Three Great Recipes to Consider for Maintaining Senior Heart Health

Cutting Calories And Eating At The Right Time Of Day Leads To Longer Life In Mice

Heart Health is Important at Any Age. When it comes to protecting yourself from heart disease, maintaining a healthy diet is critical. Not only is it essential to manage risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure, and sodium intake, but you also need to consume the right blend of nutrients to support healthy heart function. We’ve …

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How to Build a Stronger Immune System with Nutrition

How to Build a Stronger Immune System with Nutrition

Maintaining a strong immune system is essential for well-being in today’s fast-paced world. Good nutrition is vital in bolstering our body’s natural defense mechanisms. By incorporating specific dietary habits, you can support your body to ward off illnesses and stay healthy. This article will explore ten effective tips on how to build a stronger immune …

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Do You Know What Functional Foods Are?

2019 Functional Food Trends

Increasing interest is being shown in people wanting to improve their health by making more healthful food choices, as such functional foods are gaining popularity in health and wellness. This is actually a great choice as science and medicine have long supported this lifestyle intervention option and are revealing the associations between the gut and …

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Nutrients, Brain Structure And Cognition Linked In Healthy Aging

Brain Foods

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been investigating the links between measures known to independently predict healthy aging, and their study described in the Journal of Nutrition adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that these factors jointly contribute to brain health in older adults.  The team of researchers reports exploring …

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Mediterranean Diet Cuts Women’s Cardiovascular Disease And Death Risk By Nearly 25%

MIND And Mediterranean Diets Associated With Fewer Alzheimer's Plaques And Tangles

A Mediterranean diet is a key recommendation for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death. But current dietary advice is not sex-specific, and many Mediterranean dietary studies lack sex-disaggregated analyses. This is the first meta-analysis focused on the association between a Mediterranean diet and incident CVD and death, specific to women. We found …

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How Gut Health Benefits the Entire Immune System

3 U.S. Hospitals Use IVs of Vitamin C & Other Low-Cost, Readily Available Drugs

You probably know by now that a healthy gut is essential for healthy digestion. But research shows many other reasons to improve your gut health. Namely, it can improve your mental health and mood, increase energy levels, balance weight, and many more. Moreover, recent studies have shown a direct link between gut health and the …

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Does Food Affect Your Mood?

Empty Stomachs Can Lead To Poor Decisions

People often think of food as something that just tastes good, but it’s so much more. The foods we eat have a measurable impact on body chemistry, and as a result, can have many positive and negative effects. Different types of food trigger the production of various chemicals in the body and in the brain …

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Half of parents regularly give kids a dietary supplement

Beyond Childhood: Picky Eating In College Students

Kids can be stubborn when it comes to eating the healthy foods on their plate. And now, a new national poll reaffirms that picky eating is a universal parenting challenge. Over half of parents agree that it’s difficult to get their child to eat a well-balanced diet and half say their child regularly takes a …

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Hypothyroidism Friendly Foods Worth Considering

Hypothyroidism Friendly Foods Worth Considering

Those living with hypothyroidism may experience fatigue, depression, and constipation along with other symptoms that are more serious health concerns. That little gland in your neck plays important roles in how well, or not, your body works, luckily consuming certain foods may help to boost the effectiveness of your thyroid.  The butterfly shaped gland produces …

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