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How Clear Aligners Work: 6 Facts To Help You Make Your Decision

How Clear Aligners Work: 6 Facts To Help You Make Your Decision

Are you thinking about getting the clear aligners to straighten your teeth? Great decision! There is no doubt that clear aligners, sometimes also known as smile aligners, have revolutionized orthodontics. Let’s explore more about clear aligners. They offer a discrete and simple alternative to traditional braces. They are no less than a boon because of …

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The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

Most people believe that grooming is all about your physical appearance. However, there is so much more that comes from a daily grooming routine. It helps promote self-care and self-improvement attributed to more than just your appearance. Grooming is involved in your overall wellness, along with other necessary aspects like nutrition and exercise. Cleanliness, hygiene, …

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The Link between Oral Health and Overall Well-being: A Dental Perspective

Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

In the intricate web of human health, the connection between oral health and overall well-being is a topic that resonates profoundly within dentistry. Beyond the bright smile and healthy gums, oral health is pivotal in influencing our general health. This article delves into the interrelation between oral health and overall well-being, offering insights from a …

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How Healthy Your Teeth and Gums Are Matters For Brain Health

Brushing Your Teeth Is Good For Your Brain

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. The scientific support for the connection between GI health and systemic health of the …

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How Healthy Are Your Teeth And Gums? It Matters For Your Brain Health

The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. The scientific support for the connection between GI health and systemic health of the …

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Oral Bacteria May Increase Heart Disease Risk

Shapeshifting microrobots can brush and floss teeth

Infection with a bacterium that causes gum disease and bad breath may increase the risk of heart disease, shows a study published in eLife. The study suggests another potential risk factor that physicians might screen for to identify individuals at risk of heart disease. It may also indicate that treatments for colonisation or infection with …

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The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

Most of us realize that microbes contribute to the state of our health in a major way. Healthy microbiomes or bacterial colonies contribute valuable short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and immune system protection. Disordered microbiomes are reflected in oral health. Periodontal diseases, gingivitis, plaque formation, and tongues coated with white candida colonies illustrate that the microbial …

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Gel Treats Gum Disease By Fighting Inflammation

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis Via The Tongue

A topical gel that blocks the receptor for a metabolic byproduct called succinate treats gum disease by suppressing inflammation and changing the makeup of bacteria in the mouth, according to a new study led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry and published in Cell Reports. The research, conducted in mice and using human cells …

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Team Developing Oral Insulin Tablet Sees Breakthrough Results


A team of University of British Columbia researchers working on developing oral insulin tablets as a replacement for daily insulin injections have made a game-changing discovery. Researchers have discovered that insulin from the latest version of their oral tablets is absorbed by rats in the same way that injected insulin is. “These exciting results show …

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How oral bacteria suppress protection against viral growth revealed

How oral bacteria suppress protection against viral growth revealed

Proteins produced by oral epithelial cells protect humans against viruses entering the body through the mouth. Researchers from the UofL School of Dentistry and their colleagues have discovered details of this process and also found that oral bacteria can suppress the activity of these cells, increasing a person’s vulnerability to infection. A family of proteins …

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