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Matcha Mouthwash Inhibits Bacteria That Causes Periodontitis

Matcha Mouthwash Inhibits Bacteria That Causes Periodontitis |

News Release Highlights: Periodontitis is linked to tooth loss and other health concerns. Past studies suggest that green tea products can act against P. gingivalis, which causes periodontitis. In a new study, researchers tested matcha extract, made from green tea, against the pathogen. Lab studies suggest matcha inhibits the growth of the bacteria. A clinical …

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Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

Most people don’t put very much thought into oral disease as a serious health issue, but there is a growing body of evidence showing that oral bacteria plays a significant role in systemic diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers. This collaborative study from Forsyth scientists and Boston University which was recently published in …

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