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Cell Fusion ‘Awakens’ Regenerative Potential Of Human Retina

Cell Fusion ‘Awakens’ Regenerative Potential Of Human Retina

Image: Cross-section of a retinal organoid, showing hybrid cells (green) engrafting onto the tissue. Red fluorescence indicates the activity of new ganglions being formed. Credit: Sergi Bonilla/Lancet eBioMedicine Fusing human retinal cells with adult stem cells could be a potential therapeutic strategy to treat retinal damage and visual impairment, according to the findings of a …

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Harnessing Intestinal Cells To Treat Endocrine Disorders?

Strict lineage tracing crucial to nerve cell regeneration research, study says

Enteroendocrine cells punch above their weight. Comprising just about 1% of intestinal cells, they produce, as a group, around 15 different hormones. These not only regulate intestinal function and digestion, but also influence metabolic functions like insulin secretion and appetite regulation.  A new technology platform that was developed at Boston Children’s Hospital could be setting …

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Organoid Bladders Reveal Secrets Of UTIs

How The Body Senses The Urge To Urinate

Scientists at EPFL have developed two complementary bladder models to study urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by E. coli: bladder organoids and a bladder-on-a-chip. The two studies reveal how bacteria invade the bladder, and how they evade the immune system and resist antibiotics. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections. They …

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NIH scientists use human cerebral organoid to test drug for deadly brain disease

Better Understandings Of Schistosoma Thanks To Stem Cell Research

Approximately two years after establishing a human cerebral organoid system to study Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), National Institutes of Health researchers have further developed the model to screen drugs for potential CJD treatment. The scientists, from NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), describe their work in Scientific Reports. Human cerebral organoids are small …

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Lab Grown Placenta May Unlock New Research

Lab Grown Placenta May Unlock New Research

Lab grown placenta may pave the way to unlocking new medical research; the miniaturized organs may help doctors and scientists to gain better understandings of pregnancy, as published in the journal Nature. The world’s first lab grown placenta has now survived for a full year remaining stable in its petri dish, which comes as good …

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