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A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers and is projected to become the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States by 2030. It is especially difficult to treat because pancreatic tumors grow so quickly and are constantly evolving, making them prone to developing drug resistance. Patient-derived organoids could change …

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Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

According to a new release, scientists have developed a research method that allows for a much more detailed examination of the brain processes involved in some neurological and mental disorders. This is achieved by growing human cortical organoids in culture and inserting them into developing rodent brains to see how they integrate and function over …

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Engineers Grow Pancreatic 'Organoids' That Mimic The Real Thing

Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

MIT engineers, in collaboration with scientists at Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, have developed a new way to grow tiny replicas of the pancreas, using either healthy or cancerous pancreatic cells. Their new models could help researchers develop and test potential drugs for pancreatic cancer, which is currently one of the most difficult types of …

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How a single gene alteration may have separated modern humans from predecessors

How a single gene alteration may have separated modern humans from predecessors

Researchers discovered a single gene alteration that may help explain cognitive differences between modern humans and our predecessors, and used that information to develop Neanderthal-like brain organoids in the lab. The novel study used brain organoids genetically modified to mimic now-extinct Neanderthals As a professor of pediatrics and cellular and molecular medicine at the University …

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Researchers Use Patients’ Cells To Test Gene Therapy For Rare Eye Disease

Sjögren’s Syndrome and Androgen Deficiency

Scientists at the National Eye Institute (NEI) have developed a promising gene therapy strategy for a rare disease that causes severe vision loss in childhood. A form of Leber congenital amaurosis, the disease is caused by autosomal-dominant mutations in the CRX gene, which are challenging to treat with gene therapy. The scientists tested their approach …

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Complex Organoids From Stem Cells

Gene Linked To Healthy Aging In Worms Identified

University of Wurzburg recently announced successfully producing human tissues from stem cells with a complexity similar to that of normal tissue. These complex 3 dimensional tumor and brain organoids which were developed in a Petri dish feature functional blood vessels, connective tissue, and in the case of brain tissues also brain specific immune cells.  The …

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Stem Cell Culture Is Moving To The Third Dimension

Stem Cell Culture Is Moving To The Third Dimension

Human stem cells are being used to create miniature 3D tissues which can be used to study normal human biology and disease in vitro. As Toshiro Sato places a culture dish under a microscope he does not see a sheet of cells, rather a complex sphere of delicate tissue barely visible to the naked eye, …

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Milestone In Lab Grown Human Brain Tisse Using Stem Cells

Better Understandings Of Schistosoma Thanks To Stem Cell Research

Missing cell type in brain organoids has been generated using a cutting edge laboratory technique to turn human stem cells into brain like tissue that recapitulates human brain development more accurately than ever according to researchers from Case Western Reserve University as published in Nature Methods. The new study demonstrates how to grow brain organoids …

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