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“Gimme A Beet”

“Gimme A Beet”

By now most people are aware that what you eat can influence your body, this includes digestive, cognitive, and cardiovascular health. While there are many dietray choices that can benefit your overall well-being there are also many that can be detrimental to it. Diet is an important part of your life, it can be unhealthy …

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Globally, 15% Of Those Over 30 May Have Arthritis

Globally, 15% Of Those Over 30 May Have Arthritis

Most people incorrectly believe that arthritis isn’t something to worry about until they are much older, but a recent study found that 15% of the global population over the age of 30 have osteoarthritis; according to the study published in the journal The Lancet Rheumatology by researchers led by the Institute for Health Metrics and …

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Osteoarthritis Sufferers Swing Their Way To Better Health

Osteoarthritis Sufferers Swing Their Way To Better Health

Golf is acknowledged as a sport allowing players to blow off steam and enjoy the outdoors, but a new study led by the University of South Australia shows it may have serious benefits for people with the chronic disease osteoarthritis. The study was undertaken by researchers from the University of South Australia, the University of …

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Artificial Intelligence Searches An Early Sign Of Osteoarthritis From An X-Ray Image

Artificial Intelligence Searches An Early Sign Of Osteoarthritis From An X-Ray Image

Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä and the Central Finland Health Care District have developed an AI-based neural network to detect an early knee osteoarthritis from x-ray images. AI was able to match a doctors’ diagnosis in 87% of cases. The result is important because x-rays are the primary diagnostic method for early knee osteoarthritis. …

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American Couch Potato Syndrome?

As the American obesity epidemic grows a new study shows who will likely be part of it

A recent study has found that nearly half of Americans sit for too many hours a day and don’t get any exercise at all, as it appears the USA is turning into a sedentary couch potato nation. Over 5,900 American adults were surveyed, and the findings showed that nearly 26% sat for more than 8 …

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Hyaluronic Acid, A Naturally Occurring Compound, Awakens Stem Cells To Repair Damaged Muscle

New Stem Cell Mechanism In Your Gut

A new study published in the journal Science reveals a unique form of cell communication that controls muscle repair. In damaged muscle, stem cells must work together with immune cells to complete the repair process, yet how these cells coordinate to ensure the efficient removal of dead tissue before making new muscle fibers has remained …

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Doctors Group Says Plant-Based Diet Could Be Prescription for Arthritis Pain

Plant Based Food Market Growth In America

A new report shows that one in four Americans has arthritis. The reason, according to the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, may be food choices. The good news is that a plant-based diet may help. A Physicians Committee review of clinical trials and observational studies published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition found that …

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Gallic Acid And Stretching Decrease Osteoarthritis Markers In Cartilage Cells

Understanding and Mastering Inflammation

A team led by Washington State University researchers used gallic acid, an antioxidant found in gallnuts, green tea and other plants, and applied a stretching mechanism to human cartilage cells taken from arthritic knees that mimics the stretching that occurs when walking. The combination not only decreased arthritis inflammation markers in the cells but improved …

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Soft Tissue Destruction And Lower Back Pain: An Illuminated Tour


Back pain affects many people at some point in their lives, and a common cause is damage to the squishy discs or flexible, rubbery tissues of the spine. However, observing this damage at an early stage is difficult with current imaging methods. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano can see microscopic soft tissue destruction in …

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For Knee Replacement, Physical Therapy Reduces Risk of Chronic Opioid Use

Removal of Aging Cells to Increase Longevity

The world’s most common form of arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, causes sufferers pain and hurts their quality of life. Total knee replacement is the only option for people with severe knee osteoarthritis, but even that invasive surgery still leaves up to a third of patients with chronic knee pain. Many people who undergo total knee replacement …

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