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“Hidden Hunger” And Iron Deficiency

Over One Third Of The Poorest Countries Face Undernutrition & Obesity

Hunger has historically been linked to malnutrition and is a particular concern for lower to middle-income countries where hunger may be the leading cause of mortality for children. However, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also occur in those who are overweight and obese who have nutrient-poor but energy-dense diets, which has been coined “hidden hunger”. …

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Excess calories during development alters the brain and spurs adult overeating

Dim Lights Before Bedtime To Reduce Risk Of Gestational Diabetes

People whose mothers are overweight during pregnancy and nursing may become obese as adults because early overnutrition rewires developing brains to crave unhealthy food, according to a Rutgers study in Molecular Metabolism. Rutgers researchers traced this link from mother to child in mice with an experiment that began by letting some mice get obese on …

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Molecule Promotes Brain Longevity


Italian researchers reveal that a molecule known as CREB1 is triggered by a low-calorie diet and promotes a healthy brain, in a lab animal model. Overeating may cause brain aging, whereas eating less turns on a molecule that helps the brain stay young. Giovambattista Pani, from the Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Italy), have discovered …

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