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How Dietary Restriction Slows Brain Aging And Increases Longevity

New Molecule Extends Lifespan

Restricting calories is known to help improve and increase lifespan, but it is not fully understood, especially in regard to protecting the brain. Scientists at Buck Institute for Research on Aging report uncovering a role for a gene that is necessary for lifespan extension that is seen with dietary restriction and is essential for healthy …

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Grapes May Be Great For Your Eyes

Grapes May Be Great For Your Eyes

A randomized and controlled human study (NCT05064865) published in the journal Food & Function from the National University of Singapore found that consuming grapes for sixteen weeks helped to improve key markers of eye health (1), improving macular pigment accumulations and downregulating harmful biomarkers.  This study has implications for an aging population that is at …

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Are We Controlling Food Intake Or Is It Controlling Us?

Are We Controlling Food Intake Or Is It Controlling Us?

Overeating is fairly common, people overeat and become overweight for many different reasons. The fact that we are practically surrounded by flavorful high-calorie premade and fast foods of convenience that are available 24/7 almost everywhere really does not make the matter any better either. If you can’t stop binging on fries or barbecued food, you …

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Prolonged Extreme Heat May Accelerate Cognitive Decline

Global research reveals countries where record-breaking heatwaves are likely to cause most harm

“Sure, it’s a great place to visit, but not to live, because whoa that heat!” Certain groups of people may want to avoid living in places with long periods of extreme heat such as Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Tucson as prolonged extreme heat may worsen cognitive decline among vulnerable groups, in particular, older Black adults …

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Resistance training in older adults at the cellular level

Biomolecular Condensate Research Is Gaining Momentum

Exercise has been shown to regulate the inflammatory response, balance oxidants such as free radicals that build up in the cells and damage DNA; and ameliorate the process by which cells protect themselves against these stressors. Furthermore, resistance training in older adults is recommended to help maintain muscle, flexibility and balance. Aging and related diseases …

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The Connection Between Aging, Cognitive Performance, And Oxidative Stress

The Connection Between Aging, Cognitive Performance, And Oxidative Stress

Cognitive performance is a critical capability that allows individuals to function accordingly in their everyday lives; it provides humans with the capacity for sustenance and self-preservation and the free will to engage in activities of their choice. However, many researchers have posed a question regarding the sustainability of the human body’s cognitive performance, particularly because …

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Can A Simple Supplement (GlyNAC) Promote Healthy Aging In The Elderly?–Promising News

AgeTech In TIME

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. The goal of slowing and reversing aging, particularly in the elderly, is an important and …

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Vitamin K Prevents Cell Death: A New Function For A Long-Known Molecule

Vitamin K Deficiency May Worsen Symptoms Of COVID-19

Vitamin K is well-known for its blood clotting and bone-building properties but today a new study published in Nature reports on a novel function for vitamin K. It was revealed to prevent cell death, leading to questions about the possible prevention of age-related disease. The researchers discovered that the fully reduced form of vitamin K …

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Study shows that amino acid taurine could be used in anti-aging therapy

Protein, Amino Acids, And Muscle Mass

When our cells process the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat every day in order to survive, they generate potentially toxic by-products popularly known as “free radicals”. Some of these molecules perform functions essential to the organism, but if there are too many of them the cells’ internal structures can be damaged, preventing …

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New Pathway For Accumulation Of Age-Promoting 'Zombie Cells'

New Pathway For Accumulation Of Age-Promoting 'Zombie Cells'

IMAGE CAPTION: X-shaped chromosomes are stained purple, and telomeres appear as green spots at chromosome tips. When researchers used a novel tool to induce oxidative damage specifically at telomeres, they can become fragile (green arrows), sending cells into senescence. The inset shows an enlarged chromosome with fragile telomeres, indicated by multiple green spots at chromosome …

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