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The FDA’s Warning About Mixing Benzos With Opioids

Microwaves May Fluke The Heart While You Nuke Food

Benzodiazepines and opioids include two of the most dangerous drugs of abuse on the market and on the streets today. There’s so much to learn about the dangers of these drugs on their terms. One helpful resource  is the drug warnings the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) posts. However, the FDA has also released updated …

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Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

At the close of the 20th century, widespread opioid use was commonplace, thanks to high rates of drug prescriptions. Even though opioids such as morphine have an established history in medical treatment that dates back as far as the U.S. Civil War, pharmaceutical companies in the 1990s assured the medical community that modern opioids were …

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Comparing Suboxone and Methadone for Opioid Addiction: Which One Is Safer?

Opioid Addiction Awareness

With deadly drugs like fentanyl dominating the black market today, it appears the opioid epidemic is far from over. With this potent opioid finding its way into all varieties of illicit drug use because of drug cutting, addiction to opioids is no longer a question of whether someone explicitly uses the main culprits like heroin, …

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OxyContin Maker Agrees To Billion Dollar Settlement For Role In Opioid Crisis

OxyContin Maker Agrees To Billion Dollar Settlement For Role In Opioid Crisis

Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin has agreed to pay an $8 billion settlement for its role in the opioid crisis as some states argue against a plan to create a government-controlled company out of the Purdue asset and to continue sales of OxyContin. During a press conference, the US Department of Justice announced that …

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