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Cranberries May Provide Runners With A Natural Boost

Cranberries May Help Improve Memory And Ward Off Dementia

Many athletes are on the lookout for ways to give themselves an extra little edge against their competitors that might help improve their performance. Now a recent study from Concordia published in the journal Physical Activity and Nutrition suggests that they may be able to find an all-natural boost in the common cranberry. The Concordia …

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Fatty Foods Impair Responses To Everyday Stress

Fatty Foods Impair Responses To Everyday Stress

Eating fatty foods during stressful periods can impair the body’s recovery from the effects of stress, according to a study recently published in Frontiers in Nutrition and Nutrients. The findings show that consuming foods that are high in fat before a mentally stressful episode can reduce brain oxygenation and cause poor vascular function in adults. …

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Brain Oxygenation And Cognition In Healthy Adults Boosted With Cocoa Flavanols

Brain Oxygenation And Cognition In Healthy Adults Boosted With Cocoa Flavanols

According to a report published in the journal Scientific Reports, the brains of healthy adults recovered faster from a mild vascular challenge and performed better on complex tests among 14 out of 18 of those who consumed cocoa flavanols beforehand. This may be the first study to find a positive effect of eating foods rich …

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