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Walking Promotes Benefits For Lower Back Pain

In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain

Approximately 800 million people around the globe have lower back pain, and lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life. Recently a clinical trial conducted by Macquarie University’s Spinal Pain Research Group investigated whether walking could be an effective, cost-effective, and accessible intervention for lower back pain. Their findings …

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Therapeutic Benefits of Cupping Therapy in Modern Wellness

Therapeutic Benefits of Cupping Therapy in Modern Wellness

Are you suffering from chronic pain, muscle tension, or poor circulation? Cupping therapy might help you. It decreases your stress levels, which means it is also good for your mental health. Enhanced blood flow, reduced inflammation, and detoxifying the body – these are some of the advantages you can get from this therapy. We show …

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Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

What Is a Hernia?  A hernia is a common medical condition. The National Center for Health Statistics has reported that there are over five million people in the United States suffering from a hernia, yet only about 15% of them seek treatment for the condition.  A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue pushes …

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Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes from Screens

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become daily working essentials. While these digital technologies have helped people stay efficient, they can also cause health problems such as Digital Eye Strain (DES). Digital Eye Strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome refers to several eye conditions caused by high screen time. Without proper screen time management, digital …

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Neuropathy Is More Common Than You May Think And It Is Underdiagnosed

Neuropathy Is More Common Than You May Think And It Is Underdiagnosed

Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes pain and numbness in the feet and hands, it can eventually lead to falls, infection, and amputation. According to a study recently published in Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, neuropathy is very common and underdiagnosed.  “More than one-third of people with neuropathy experience sharp, …

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Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Key Takeaways Chiropractic care has a solid historical foundation and is backed by modern scientific research. It provides numerous benefits for pain relief, posture improvement, and overall well-being. Choosing the right chiropractor and incorporating lifestyle adjustments is crucial for the best outcomes. Chiropractic care is a natural and effective way to restore the body’s balance …

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Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong is a physical activity that aims to optimize energy within the body, mind and spirit with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.  Qigong is a system of coordinated mind-body exercise forms that uses posture, meditation, breathing, and movement to increase energy and enables the body to heal itself to promote overall …

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Hug For Your Physical And Mental Health

Women Need Hugs

Do you appreciate a comforting hug at the end of a stressful day, or a gentle stroke on your shoulders when you are feeling down in the dumps? You may relate to the positive reinforcement that comes with consensual touch, but the question remains can touch really help you to feel better, and does it …

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Physical Activity Protects You From Chronic Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Detailed Guide

Those who are more active in their free time have a lower chance of having various types of chronic pain 7 to 8 years later according to recent research from UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health published in the journal PAIN.  Results from this study of over 10,000 …

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Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

The appendix is a finger-like pouch that branches off from your large intestine. No one is sure what it does or why it evolved. But when something goes wrong, it can be dangerous. “We do know that it causes problems,” says Dr. Nicole Wilson, a pediatric surgeon at the University of Rochester. “And we do …

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