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Clinical Applications of B-Cyclodextrin with Dr. Salaheldin Halasa

Dr. Salaheldin Halasa CEO and Founder, of Nitromedicine LLC earned his medical degree at Tripoli University, in Tripoli Libya on 1998. • Dr. H was a researcher in Immuno-Therapy at Baylor University in Texas, Clinical associate at compassionate pain management in Delaware and has published Nitromedicine articles with Dr Hamblin at Wellman Center for Photomedicine …

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Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis: What's The Difference?

Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis: What's The Difference?

Written courtesy of  Dr. Brent Wells. Between 2013 and 2015, doctors diagnosed more than 50 million American adults with some form of arthritis. While most people have a basic idea of what arthritis is, they are less familiar with the different types. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are two of the most common forms of arthritis, and …

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Acupuncture And Emergency Room Patients

Acupuncture And Emergency Room Patients

The world’s largest controlled randomized trial of the use of acupuncture in ER departments has found that the treatment is a effective and safe alternative to pain relieving drugs in some patients. This study found that it was effectively used in providing long term relief for patients that came to the ER in considerable amounts …

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Changing Approaches Towards Lower Back Pain

Changing Approaches Towards Lower Back Pain

  With recent changes to the major international guidelines for the management of lower back pain general practitioners are now most likely not to recommend pain medicines that used to be the go to treatment. Now general practitioners might recommend non-medical approaches such as mindfulness, yoga, and other various types of psychological and physiotherapy therapies. …

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