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A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers and is projected to become the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States by 2030. It is especially difficult to treat because pancreatic tumors grow so quickly and are constantly evolving, making them prone to developing drug resistance. Patient-derived organoids could change …

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High insulin levels directly linked to pancreatic cancer

Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

A new study from researchers at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine reveals a direct link between high insulin levels, common among patients with obesity and Type 2 diabetes, and pancreatic cancer. The study, published in Cell Metabolism, provides the first detailed explanation of why people with obesity and Type 2 diabetes are …

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Cancer cells use a new fuel in absence of sugar

Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have discovered a new nutrient source that pancreatic cancer cells use to grow. The molecule, uridine, offers insight into both biochemical processes and possible therapeutic pathways. The findings, published in Nature, show that cancer cells can adapt when they don’t have access to glucose. Researchers have …

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Study Discovers Triple Immunotherapy Combination As Possible Treatment For Pancreatic Cancer

Engineers Develop New Tool That Will Allow For More Personalized Cell Therapies

Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have discovered a novel immunotherapy combination, targeting checkpoints in both T cells and myeloid suppressor cells, that successfully reprogrammed the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) and significantly improved anti-tumor responses in preclinical models of pancreatic cancer. In this study, published today in Nature Cancer, researchers used …

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Novel treatment makes pancreatic cancer susceptible to immunotherapy, mouse study shows

Novel treatment makes pancreatic cancer susceptible to immunotherapy, mouse study shows

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive and deadly tumor types and is notorious for its resistance to virtually all types of treatment, including newer immunotherapies. A new study — in mice — from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that blocking a major inflammatory pathway that is activated in pancreatic …

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Nanotherapy offers new hope for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes

Engineered nanomaterial captures off-target cancer drug to prevent tissue damage

Individuals living with Type 1 diabetes must carefully follow prescribed insulin regimens every day, receiving injections of the hormone via syringe, insulin pump or some other device. And without viable long-term treatments, this course of treatment is a lifelong sentence. Pancreatic islets control insulin production when blood sugar levels change, and in Type 1 diabetes, …

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Newly Identified Hormone May Be A Critical Driver Of Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

The Role of Hormones in Immunocompetence

A newly discovered hormone named fabkin helps regulate metabolism and may play an important role in the development of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, according to research led by the Sabri Ülker Center for Metabolic Research at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study showed blood levels of fabkin were abnormally …

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Experimental Drug Boosts Immunotherapy Effectiveness In Pancreatic Cancer In Mice

Engineered Macrophages Invade Tumors and Engulf Cancer Cells

An experimental drug enhanced the benefit of immunotherapy to fight pancreatic cancer in mice by increasing the number of immune cells in the immediate vicinity of the tumor, leading to a reduction in tumor growth, and in some mice, eliminating their cancer. The findings, from researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and BioXcel Therapeutics, …

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Engineers Grow Pancreatic 'Organoids' That Mimic The Real Thing

Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

MIT engineers, in collaboration with scientists at Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, have developed a new way to grow tiny replicas of the pancreas, using either healthy or cancerous pancreatic cells. Their new models could help researchers develop and test potential drugs for pancreatic cancer, which is currently one of the most difficult types of …

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Targeted Drug Found Effective In Thwarting Pancreatic Tumors

Pancreatic Cancer Immune Target Identified

Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the pancreas, a long and flat gland located behind the stomach that helps with digestion and blood sugar regulation. Because pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect early, it is associated with a low survival rate, accounting for just over 3% …

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