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Potential Cure For Tropical Parasitic Disease Found In Soil Identified

Potential Cure For Tropical Parasitic Disease Found In Soil Identified

Combining two agents to block a parasitic worm’s life cycle boosted survival from a potentially deadly tropical disease to 85% in animal models, far better than either treatment alone, according to a proof-of-concept study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center pharmacologists. The Strongyloides infestation — brought by tiny worms known as nematodes that can enter …

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Garlic May Be Better At Removing Parasites Than Drugs

Aged Garlic May Improve Heart Health

Garlic has been used for thousands of years to not only spice up dishes but to also treat a variety of conditions, the well used herb is now believed to help treat parasitic infection, as published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. King Saud University researchers have investigated garlic extract and allicin for potential to …

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Better Understandings Of Schistosoma Thanks To Stem Cell Research

Better Understandings Of Schistosoma Thanks To Stem Cell Research

Morgridge Institute for Research scientists have made a discovery that has potential to lead to the development of new treatments for the parasitic disease schistosomiasis, as published in the journal eLife.   W.H.O has estimated that schistosomiasis affects more than 250 million people and causes approximately 280,000 deaths yearly. The only treatment available currently to …

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