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Parenting Unplugged: Reducing Stress For A Happier Family

Parenting Unplugged: Reducing Stress For A Happier Family

Parenting in the digital age comes with its own set of challenges. With an overabundance of screens and constant connectivity, families often find themselves overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected. However, by embracing a more unplugged lifestyle, parents can reduce stress and create a happier, more harmonious family environment. This article delves into the significance of unplugging, …

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US birth rates are at record lows – even though the number of kids most Americans say they want has held steady

US birth rates are at record lows – even though the number of kids most Americans say they want has held steady

Birth rates are falling in the U.S. After the highs of the Baby Boom in the mid-20th century and the lows of the Baby Bust in the 1970s, birth rates were relatively stable for nearly 50 years. But during the Great Recession, from 2007-2009, birth rates declined sharply – and they’ve kept falling. In 2007, …

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Upbringing May Be Primary Factor in Longevity

Upbringing May Be Primary Factor in Longevity

Danish study suggests that one’s upbringing, as opposed to education level, may be an essential key to living a long and healthy life. A number of previous studies have shown an association between level of education and prospects for  a healthy and extended lifespan.  A new study suggests that one’s upbringing, as opposed to education …

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