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Patent Granted To Lineage & AgeX

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

Lineage Cell Therapeutics and AgeX Therapeutics have been awarded a United States Patent and Trademark Office patent for “Methods Of Reprogramming Animal Somatic Cells.”  “The issuance of this patent highlights Lineage’s dominant position in the field of cell therapy,” stated Brian M. Culley, CEO of Lineage. “Our efforts to develop new treatments rely on well-characterized …

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Doppler Detects Heart Defect

Doppler Detects Heart Defect

Transcranial Doppler identifies a patent foramen ovale (PFO), which is an under-recognized cause of stroke. Previous studies indicate that 25% of the population, and a higher percentage of patients who have had unexplained strokes, have a patent foramen ovale (PFO), which occurs when an opening between two heart chambers fails to close at birth. Many …

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