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How pathogenic bacteria weather the slings and arrows of infection

How pathogenic bacteria weather the slings and arrows of infection

Infectious diseases are a leading cause of global mortality. During an infection, bacteria experience many different stresses — some from the host itself, some from co-colonizing microbes and others from therapies employed to treat the infection. In this arms race to outwit their competition, bacteria have evolved mechanisms to stay alive in the face of …

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Texas A&M Research Explores How Melanoma Grows And Spreads

Development Of A Cancer Test With High Level Of Accuracy

A study found that disrupting the metabolic pathway in the initiation, growth, and progression of melanoma could lead to the development of new treatments. The first step in treating cancer is understanding how it starts, grows, and spreads throughout the body. A relatively new cancer research approach is the study of metabolites, the products of …

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Hormone Injection May Boost Brain Activity Associated With Attraction

Hormone Injection May Boost Brain Activity Associated With Attraction

The early stage work from researchers at Imperial College London was published in JCI Insight exploring whether kisspeptin can be used to treat men with common psychosexual disorders and sexual problems that are psychological in origin such as low libido.  Attraction is a fundamental process that triggers sexual arousal, activity and often reproduction. The team …

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Pathways To Extend Lifespan By 500% Identified

Pathways To Extend Lifespan By 500% Identified

Scientists at MDI Biological Laboratory in collaboration with the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and Nanjing University have discovered cellular mechanisms for longevity that amplify lifespan fivefold in C.elegans by what would be the human equivalent of living for 4-500 years; pathways could open paths to more effective anti-aging therapies, according to the researchers. …

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Obesity- Regulating Brain Signaling Pathway Genes

Obesity- Regulating Brain Signaling Pathway Genes

The signaling proteins acting in the hypothalamus to direct development of neuronal circuits involved in weight control have been identified by an international research team who have identified rare mutations in the genes for class 3 semaphorins in the severely obese, as published in Cell. Further investigations involving cultured cells and genetically engineered zebrafish and …

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Possible Role Of Senescent Cells In New Neurodegeneration Pathway

Anti-Aging Products Are The New Frontier

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic spotlight the role of senescent cells in neurodegeneration offering more data starting down a new pathway that may lead to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as published in Nature. The anti-aging industry and research has been growing worldwide, with a focus on clearing away senescent cells that clutter the body with …

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Could Obesity Be Fought With A Glaucoma Drug?

Could Obesity Be Fought With A Glaucoma Drug?

Scientists have been working on ways to turn unhealthy beige fat into energy burning brown fat to fight obesity. Yale University scientists claim to have found a target for preventing fat uptake at point of entry and a class of glaucoma drugs may help to accomplish the goal, as published in Science. Dietary fats carry …

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