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A Few Herbs And Spices With Potent Prevention Profiles

Adaptogens To Help Relieve Stress

When it comes to herbs and spices, adding a splash of this and a dash of that can transform almost any bland dish into something scrumptious, but adding that zing to your meal may also help you to ward off certain cancers. Yes, food can be medicine, and prevention is always better than cure.  From …

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Coming Soon: Robot Personal Training Coaches

Running Just Once A Week May Significantly Lower Risk Of Death

A robotic personal trainer has been developed by experts from Bristol Robotics Laboratory to coach runners through exercise programs on the treadmill called Pepper, it can tell jokes, show sympathy, as well as lean in towards the runner to change eye colour to express different emotions.  It was designed to provide support that can be …

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Start Your Day With A Glass Of Cayenne Pepper Water

Cayenne Pepper Heats Things Up In More Than One Way

Cayenne pepper originates from dry pods of the red chili pepper capsicum; this dark red powder is used as a medicinal herb as well as cooking spice, it stimulates the chemoreceptor nerve endings in the skin and mucous membranes and can take some time to get used to its heat. Around the globe the dark …

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