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2024’s Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

According to the EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, close to 75% of non-organic fresh produce sold in America contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides and fungicides. Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list describing the most contaminated and lowest amounts of …

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2023’s Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

Pesticide Exposure Linked With Autism

According to the Environmental Working Group, nearly 75% of non-organic fresh produce sold in America contains residues of potentially dangerous pesticides. To help protect families the scientists at EWG create a shopping guide every year to help avoid the worst offenders and identify better choices, this year’s listing has two new additions to the Dirty …

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Male Fertility Has Plummeted 62% Globally In Under 50 Years

As Men's Weight Rises, Sperm Health May Fall

According to the new Israeli-led study published in the journal Human Reproduction Update, the trend of decline is apparent and appears to be accelerating. The authors sound the alarm for male fertility and male health in general as low sperm count is considered an indicator of men’s health, with low levels being associated with an …

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Endocrine Disruptors and Where to Find Them

Endocrine Disruptors and Where to Find Them

There are approximately 85,000 man-made chemicals in the world, many of which the general population comes into contact with on a daily basis. However, only about 1% of these compounds have been evaluated for safety despite having a high potential of being noxious to human health. Mounting evidence points to the harmful nature of a …

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Strawberry Concerns

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

Recently a video has gone viral showing white bugs in strawberries that were submerged in a saltwater bath, and this has many people concerned. But should you be, the short answer is no, not really, even though that video may have you feeling a bit squeamish.  The insects in this video are called the spotted …

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Flame Retardants Causing Damage To Children

High IQ in Childhood Linked to Longevity

Research from New York University shows that pesticides and flame retardants may pose a threat to children’s IQ which may be more than lead or mercury as exposure to flame retardants resulted in a loss of 162 million IQ points among children from 2001-2016; and these chemicals are being called hit and runs toxins because …

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Organic Food Is Not Just A Luxury

Link Between Eating Organic And Reduced Cancer Risk

Organic food is not too expensive for school meals, even by cash strapped school councils. Every one could learn a lesson from Copenhagen where 90% of the food in public kitchens are now organic.  Organic foods are most often just brushed off as being a luxury, but it’s not. It is suggested that we are …

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Dumbing Down Confirmed By Science


It appears as if some of mainstream are beginning to finally notice the disturbing trend towards dumbness and idiocracy throughout Western society. The trend in widespread IQ decline indicates that intelligence levels are declining after several decades of increasing. According to Evan Horowitz the reason for this decline remains largely unknown, despite the herd of …

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Can You Lower Risks Of Cancer With Organic Foods?

Can You Lower Risks Of Cancer With Organic Foods?

Organics this, organics that, is all this talk about organics just hype of an overpriced gimmick, or can consuming more of it really have a tangible effect on health and longevity? It may be convenient to view all produce as equally nutritious, but that is not the case as results from a growing body of …

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Link Between Eating Organic And Reduced Cancer Risk

Link Between Eating Organic And Reduced Cancer Risk

Some people still are not convinced they should shell out a few extra dollars on organics, despite its popularity and accumulating research. If you happen to be one of those people you may want to rethink that as a recent study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine has revealed those who eat more organics have …

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