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Study Finds No Evidence Of Benefit In Most New Pharma Drugs

Study Finds No Evidence Of Benefit In Most New Pharma Drugs

It would appear as if one can find a pill for just about anything these days. Watching the television provides ample commercials of big pharma trying to sell off many medications, but are these medications as effective as they claim to be to be worth all of those side effects briefly talked about at the …

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Statins May Increase Risk Of ALS

Statins May Slow Human Aging

People take statins with the goal of improving their health, but these drugs do not come without many side effects, and they have been under fire for a long time due to their lack of results, as well as raising the risk of diabetes. Another study has added to reasons for avoiding these drugs in …

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Is The Cost Of New Drugs Being Over Exaggerated

Nearly 25 Million U.S. Workers Now Have High-Deductible Health Plans

The estimated cost of developing a new drug is over $1 Billion according to the pharmaceutical industry, but it has been suggested the actual cost is less than $125 Million. Chief executive officer Andrew Witty of GlaxoSmithKline says “the high cost is one of the greatest myths of the industry”, according to Rueters, and “was …

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