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Benefits Of Peanut Consumption On Vascular Health

Race Of The Nutcrackers

Peanuts are considered nuts in terms of nutritional composition. Eating peanuts and peanut butter could have a beneficial impact on vascular health in young and healthy people, according to a study published in the journal Antioxidants. The paper is led by Rosa M. Lamuela, professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the …

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Olive Oil By-Product Could Aid Exercise

Can Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Improve Impaired Brain Function? Yes, Says A New Study

New research has found that a natural by-product of olive oil production could potentially have antioxidant benefits and support exercise. The full open-access study has been published in the journal Nutrients.  The study, led by nutrition researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal Nutrients, is the first to examine the benefits …

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Hardy Health Plant A Hero Ingredient To Help Manage Obesity

Hardy Health Plant A Hero Ingredient To Help Manage Obesity

Image: Freeze-dried roselle flowers were used to extract the antioxidant compounds and organic acids. Credit: RMIT University Antioxidants in the roselle plant have anti-obesity properties that could help in food alternatives to current weight management medications, according to new research. The RMIT study, led by Ph.D. candidate Manisha Singh, investigated how antioxidant compounds (phenolic extracts) and …

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Consuming Alliums May Help Lower The Risk Of Colorectal Cancer

Onions And Garlic May Lower The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Onions and garlic are common staples in most kitchens, and not only do they complement most dishes these alliums may help to lower the risk of colorectal cancer according to a study published in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology.  Study senior author Zhi Li from The First Hospital of China Medical University says that …

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Meet A Designer Veggie: The Cucamelon

Meet A Designer Veggie: The Cucamelon

These cute little foodies have characteristics that are similar to watermelons and cucumbers but they are neither. The Melothria Scabra Cucamelon, or mouse melon is about the size of a grape.  Also called Mexican sour gherkins or sandita they can have a tangy flavor similar to a cucumber that has been covered in lime juice …

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Apples Assist Weight Loss

An Apple A Day

Apples have many beneficial effects which can be mostly attributed to their antioxidant effects and positive impacts on heart health which include helping to regulate blood sugar, as published in Food Chemistry. Apples contain fiber and phenolic compounds which have been shown to help protect against many diseases. Non-digestible fiber content of apples dodge digestive …

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