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Stress Can Make You Look And Feel Older

Worse Biological Health Linked To Financial Stress

Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror when you are frazzled and think you look older, then asked a friend “Is it just me, or do I look older?” It’s not just you, even young people look and feel older when they are stressed, according to a recent study published in …

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The Powerful Placebo Helping the Brain Heal the Body

The Powerful Placebo Helping the Brain Heal the Body

If you’re feeling unwell, you may turn to medicine to find relief. But how do you know it was the drug that made you feel better? Sometimes, when you expect a treatment to work, it will. This phenomenon is called the placebo effect. Scientists are looking for ways to harness this effect for medical treatments. …

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Moods Are Contagious

Anger May Be More Harmful To Health Than Sadness

Similar to a cold or flu virus being contagious, so are moods. However, most people are not familiar with the fact we can become infected with the moods or emotions of those around us, especially those that are negative. Have you ever noticed when you are talking to someone who is agitated you feel a …

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Brain Achilles’ Heel

Synaesthesia is a condition in which stimulation of one sensory modality causes simultaneous stimulation of another unrelated sensation, it is a natural phenomenon not associated with multiple and/or simultaneous perceptions upon use of recreational substances or drugs. Particular auditory stimulus causing one to experience gustatory stimulation is an example of the condition. Different kinds/combinations of …

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Genetic Anticipation

Genetic Anticipation

Symptoms and signs of genetic conditions becoming more severe and/or appear at an earlier age as they are passed along from one generation to the next is known as the phenomenon called genetic anticipation. Genetic anticipation is a rather unusual type of genetic inheritance in which there is a progressive increase in mutation severity, that …

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